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Sunday, October 15th, 2023

    Time Event
    Memes To Accompany Your Morning Munchies

    I don't know about y'all, but I'm a breakfast girlie. If there's ever a time of the day when I'm going to go out and get myself a little treat, it's between the hours of 7-10 AM. I haven't always been a big breakfast food person (I was one of those kids who would body a leftover Domino's pizza for breakfast), but I've never been a person who can just skip breakfast and function normally. If you're one of those divas who gets sick if they eat too early in the morning, I'm sorry for your loss, but I'm enjoying my chicken fried steak and eggs before the sun comes up, thank you very much. 

    Breakfast can be a lonely meal, especially if you live alone and have to haul yourself to work every day! You don't have enough time to watch an episode of Frasier to accompany your eaating, so take a second to scroll through these morning memes

    20+ Programming Memes for Coding Geeks (October 15, 2023)

    I know all the smug "learn to code" people are annoying and give programmers a bad reputation, but I do understand a little bit of the smugness. Everyone who has worked with computers in the past fifty plus years has had a hand in building the frameworks that so many of us consider essential today. There's a reason why a lot of people are taking a technical understanding of computers more seriously, and it's not just because they're seeing dollar signs. This stuff is only going to become more important.

    As far as we're concerned, a bigger pool of coding afficionados can only mean one thing: we're going to get a heck of a lot more programming memes. We support that, and if you're reading this it's likely you do to. It's a match made in heaven! With any luck, you can relate to the stuff that's going on below this intro. There's plenty more where that came from.

    The Funniest Disney Memes of the Week (October 15, 2023)

    I have a Disney sin I need to confess. Last weekend, I watched Hocus Pocus for the very first time in my life. I know, please don't hang me like a witch for this, I understand it's totally unacceptable that it's taken me this long. If it's any consolation, I thought that the movie was excellent, and I totally understand why it has become such a cult classic.

    I was lucky enough to watch Hocus Pocus in the movie theatre for the 30th anniversary, and I felt completely transformed back to 1993. I loved the badly-performed teen-bully characters. Kid's movies love to shoehorn bullies as mini obstacles before the real conflict begins, and I eat it up every time. I was surprised by how many times the young protagonist's virginity was brought up; it got funnier and funnier as the movie went on, especially in the closing line. And, of course, what can I say that hasn't already been said about the Sanderson sisters? I'm afraid their iconicness defies description, so it's time to move on to some slightly less iconic Disney memes.  

    Wildest Posts From the Depths of Facebook (October 15, 2023)

    We're currently living through an opinion sharing epidemic. No matter what happens or how much we know about it, us social media users feel compelled to give our knee jerk reaction out to everyone on the internet. 

    There are multiple reasons why this has become a trend, and one of them is Facebook. We've all gawped in a horrified way at our screens while watching a high school acquaintance or distant family member go on a deranged rant on the platform of the Zuck, and I think this is something likely to continue for some time yet.

    That being said, Facebook isn't all bad. It can also offer up some entertaining moments, which may or may not be slightly horrifying at the same time. As TikTok slowly takes over everything, it's fun to remember when words ruled and people other than your grandma regularly posted status updates. Those were some crazy times.

    20+ Dry Skin Memes for People Sick of Being Flaky

    I really try not to prefer any one season above the others. In my eyes, they all have their benefits, as well as the opportunity to dust off a whole other section of my wardrobe for a couple of months. However, I can't help but have it out for fall and winter for one reason, and one reason alone: the big old sack that tapes my body together starts drying up the moment the thermometer drops. 

    It's not that I don't moisturize, or exfoliate, or not drink enough fluids. I'm mostly faithful to these routines, and still the dreaded flakiness curses me every year. At least there are memes out there that understand my pain. They can do what countless bottles of lotion cannot, which is inject some humor into the situation. If only they helped with the skincare side of things, too. I'm still holding out for that miracle product.

    Entitled Mom Allows Her Four Kids to Blare Loud iPads on Airplane, Flight Attendant Saves The Day Wi

    Nobody likes it when someone blares their music publicly for everybody to listen to. Even if you have your noise-canceling headphones, it's annoying and attention-seeking behavior that gets on most people's nerves. I believe some people do it for attention, but the vast majority do it because they don't care about how other people perceive them. They're just in their little world and don't care if their choices annoy people for however long. 

    Parents especially are guilty of allowing this to happen with their children's iPads. Many parents tend to tune the noise out in their homes because it's constant, and if they listen to Bluey intently for hours, they'll go insane. But when they're in public, I believe parents should be smart enough to turn off the sound of their kid's games or not allow them to watch loud television in public places. One mom tried to let her kids blast their iPads on a crowded plane, and a thoughtful mom and flight attendant were not about to let that happen. 

    20 Skeletor Memes Until Next Time

    I will be honest; I am not up on all of the Skeletor lore. I know that he was the main villain to He-Man and that he's the star of a meme that feels like it's been going on forever but has actually only existed for two years. I will focus on the latter because, despite what you've heard, I have little patience to discuss Saturday Morning Cartoons from the 80s in any real detail. 

    Skeletor Facts is a meme where Skeletor presents a strange or disturbing fact and promptly runs away to the tune of "Until Next Time." It's a great way for meme people to share a fact that's been on their minds without just stating the fact with no funny context. It feels like a meme from 2010, and that's what I love about it! If you like Skeletor because you're an 80s kid or you just like a good meme, these Skeletor memes will hopefully suit your fancy. 

    'Like, who all is gonna be there?': Guy tries to spook American women about being drafted, women cla

    Oh, to be a woman! It's grander than society wants it to be. With every excruciatingly controlling political thing after another they put on women, you'd think we'd be a bunch of bummers. But we shine bright, baby! And boy, do we love to laugh. 

    Recently, some guy on TikTok made a video trying to spook American women about being drafter. Saying that women between 18-26 years old aren't safe from being drafted into the military. Instead of women responding in fear, they trolled and it is comedy gold. One women stitched the video saying she can't go right now because she just woke up and was going to wash her hair, but to let her know about it later and if she's feeling up for it she'll totally go. The comments to this stick became a beautiful hodgepodge of women going along with the riff. "Like, who all is gonna be there?" "If my mom drives us, can you're pick us up?" "What are we wearing though?" And more and more hilarious responses

    Can you imagine these young women getting a call from the government (ok, first of all, who still answers unknown numbers??) telling them they are going to be drafted and they responded with, "Awww, thanks for the invite, babe. Not really my vibe, but hope you have fun! Send pics" and then *click *, they hang up? THAT IS COMEDY GENIUS, I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU SAY. 

    Check out 30+ of our favorite responses below.

    Top 20 Halloween Decoration Memes That Have Us In The Spooktober Spirit

    It's the most wonderful time of the yearspooky season! Spooktober is a beautiful time filled with black cats, orange pumpkins, and gore galore! It's a dream for anyone who celebrates Halloween. Sure, sure, you get all those houses with lights and whatever for Christmas, but Halloween needs to get more rep for their decorations. I mean, we've got the 12foot skeleton and now Lewis! Please tell me you've heard about Lewis. He is a tall creepy figure with a pumpkin head that so sultry says, "I am not a jack-o-lantern! My name is Lewis." He's become a celebrity and everyone is on the search to snap a pic with Lewis. The decorations are so fun they fill entire houses with them and people pay money to walk through them and get spooked! It's honestly the best time. So if you love to get into the Halloween spirit and wish (and maybe you do) to have your spooky decor up all year round, these memes are for you!

    15+ First World Anarchists Who Don't Care About Breaking the Rules

    Let's face it, the majority of us lead rather conventional lives. Our daily routines are dictated by countless predictable societal norms. Go to work! Find a life partner! Don't run that red light! These are the rules we live by, often more out of obligation than genuine enjoyment.

    However, there's a certain freedom in acknowledging that we don't have to conform if we're willing to accept the consequences. As long as our choices don't jeopardize the well-being of others, why should we feel compelled to obey every guideline? While there are clear advantages to conformity and respecting the law, true experiences often lie in bending a few rules.

    No one understands this better than the mischievous first-world anarchists, who inject a sense of excitement into their lives by pushing the boundaries. It's not a path for everyone, but the very act of testing these limits is exhilarating enough to make you want to try.

    Mom Slides Down Giant Slide Holding Her Babies Hand, Dangerously Jostles Baby

    Did you know that slides are the most dangerous playground equipment for children? Most of the injuries on slides aren't caused by kids but by parents trying to go down with them. Many parents think that if they slide down a slide with their kid in their lap, it will be safer, but that's how kids' limbs can get stuck on the side of the slide and break. Fun stuff, I know. Basically, a good rule of thumb is that if a kid is too young to go down a slide by themselves, they shouldn't be going at all. 

    Unfortunately, not every parent has the common sense not to go down a giant slide holding their baby's hand, putting them at serious risk bodily harm. One mother decided that would be the idea way for her and her baby to enjoy an indoor amusement park, and it's simultaneously terrifying and hilarious to behold.

    Memes That You Should Look at Right Now

    I'm usually not super susceptible to peer pressure. However, I've recently fallen down a hole that I'm happy to stay in, and that's TV show recommendation peer pressure. I was hanging out with my friends this Friday, and they talked about the HBO series Girls. The conversation lasted so long, and I got so frustrated with my inability to participate that I watched the entire first season of Girls this weekend. It's actually pretty good! Who knew that a critically acclaimed show that everybody is rewatching right now actually had merit? 

    I have such a difficult time watching TV because I usually don't like new shows that much. I can't stand the thought of wasting my life watching hours and hours of a mediocre program. I'm quite lucky that my college friends haven't kicked me off of their Max account so I can be on the pulse of resurging cultural conversation only HBO shows could inspire. Thank you, peer pressure and peer support!

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