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Saturday, October 14th, 2023

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    25+ Memes To Manage The Monotony

    On the subject of monotony, Judy Garland said it best;

    "Playing on his slide trombone in a certain monotone
    He was known as Mister Monotony
    Any pleasant interlude that would mean a change of mood
    Didn't go with Mister Monotony

    Sometimes he would change the key, but the same dull melody
    Would emerge from Mister Monotony
    Folks for miles would run away only one prefer'd to stay
    She would come around and say,
    "Have you got any monotony today?"

    Most of us don't want to be the girl who runs away with the titular monotony man. Unfortunately, that's exactly what a lot of us do. Our lives don't have much variety, and we fall into the same boring routines every week. But lucky for us, it doesn't have to be this way. We can do little things throughout the day to break up said monotony! For example, we can scroll through hilarious memes to lighten our spirits. Maybe, you could even do that now! 

    25 Halloween Memes for Spooky Season Enjoyers (October 14, 2023)

    My theory as to why so many Halloween is such a beloved holiday for so many adults is because it allows us to redirect all of our fear. Most of the year, we're kept awake at night by the terror of boring reality. When October rolls around, though, we have the freedom to freak ourselves out with ghost stories and haunted houses instead.

    I know it sounds kind of depressing, but there are whole subgenres of spooky memes that touch on this! I don't think it's out of the question. Anyway, we're not here to feel sad. Quite the opposite, we want to enjoy some innocent escapism in the form of Halloween memes. Without further ado, here's another helping of seasonal humor for you to enjoy. It's sure to boost the mood of any spooky season fan. They aren't as scary as rent being overdue, but they are way more entertaining. 

    The Best Animal Memes of the Week (October 14, 2023)

    If I had to bet on one type of meme lasting until the end of time, I'd put my money on animal memes. Of course, the trends in animal memes have changed over the past 15 years, but they have remained an essential fixture of the meme world even in 2023. Even if you have a pet of your own to amuse you, animal memes provide comfort and laughs.

    I am going to be honest with y'all&dog and cat memes aren't really my thing. I know that can be sacrilegious on a list of animal memes, but hear me out! I would rather look at a meme of a weird animal like a frog or a fish than an animal that I see on the street every day. Dogs are cool, but they're nothing novel. These animal memes cover all the freaky animals, and that's why they're Emmy Ward-approved. 

    31 Introvert Memes for Grateful Loners Happy to Stay in Their Lane (October 14, 2023)

    Another week gone by means we have another weekend upon us. Most people revel in the charms of the weekend with parties, restaurants, and other social tomfoolery, while us introverts prepare for a wild weekend of our favorite shows, closed blinds, mood lighting, and a second helping of take-out. Life is good out here for the introverted crowd. 

    Extroverts seem to think that the only way to have fun is by blabbering with other human folks, but introverts are wiser than that. We introverted people know that being antisocial is the best way to have fun, because the fun is sourced, monitored, and enjoyed by ourselves. When your bestie looks back at you when you're lookin' in the mirror, it means you're perfectly stable on your own and have more fun solo than you do with gaggles and crowds. So enjoy the weekend and enjoy your 'you time' you've earned it!

    30+ Wittiest Parenting Memes for Funny Moms and Dads Parenting the Best They Can Parent (October 14,

    It's mom and dad time, kiddos, so hit the hay! It's been a long day. How about some memes to unwind to? You've been parenting the best you can parent all day and night, it's time to do something for you. You deserve it! Eat that cheesecake. Doom scroll through those memes. Share a couple of LOLs with you partner. It's no easy raising tine little mini mes. It's a job you have for the rest of your life and it isn't all sunshine and candy. It's mostly a lot of sunshine and stressies. Even parents who always seem like they are keeping their cool and constantly having a mini panic attack about whether or not their kid is ok right now. It's just part of the job and you're doing great! Don't worry, they might not appreciate it now, but once they're older and can fully understand the things you did for them, they'll thank you. They're love is enough thanks for now. And the memes below! 

    Company Cancels Job Interview Mid-Interview Because of Sudden 'Hiring Freeze,' Asks Interviewee to d

    Anybody who has been on the job hunt knows how much work you have to put into it. You have to tailor your resume to each specific company, write cover letters and personal statements, and do it quickly so you're one of the first names they see on their big pile of resumes. You do all of that just in the hope that you might be able to interview for said position. Once you get the interview, then it's time to really put the pedal to the medal and learn about the company. You need to prepare answers for the classic interview questions, come up with questions you're going to ask when the hiring manager says, "do you have any questions for me," and you need to research so you know the company's silly little mission statement. Even if the interview doesn't go perfectly, you at least learn from going through the process. One hopeful applicant spent hours preparing for a job interview just to have the rug pulled out from under her, and you need to read it to believe it. 

    Weird Memes That Are Weird

    I feel like weirdness has been greatly destigmatized in society over the past 20 years. Either that, or we've broadened the definition of what it means to be weird so widely that the term has been rendered meaningless. My money's on the latter because people will really come for you if you branch out beyond the socially acceptable version of being a weirdo. For instance, my favorite movie is Swiss Army Man, and so many people treat me like I'm a freak for it. I know that a sweet story about a suicidal man and his best friend who happens to be a farting corpse isn't everybody's cup of tea. It's a very weird movie, and I'm proud to like it, even if it gets me incel allegations from college acquaintances on Letterboxd. We all have normal weird qualities and major freakazoid qualities, and if you're willing to embrace both of those sides of yourself, you will enjoy these weird memes

    Woman Claims Couple's Toxic Relationship is Caused By 7 Year Age Gap, Ignores Girlfriend's Glaring A

    Age gap relationship discourse will never die. I'm convinced that we will be sitting in the nursing home someday, debating whether it's a power imbalance for an 89-year-old and an 81-year-old to be with each other. For the record, it absolutely is, and any couple who is that age should be ashamed of themselves, especially the elder elder. 

    I'm joking around, of course. I think once you've reached a certain age, the vast majority of age gaps can be worked through, especially when there are less than ten years between the pair. I understand why a 25-year-old dating a 35-year-old might not work out because of their ages, but there are also a million other reasons why a relationship might crumble that have nothing to do with the number of years they've spent on this earth. For instance, the couple that's the subject of recent Twitter discourse has been labeled a toxic age-gap relationship, but when you read their story, it's clear that something far more harmful is at play. 

    25 People Share Childhood Fibs That They Believed into Adulthood

    We've all heard some little fibs growing up, you know, like Santa, the tooth fairy, the Easter bunny, and such. But have you ever been taken in by a whopper of a lie that you clung to even in your grown-up years? Well, someone on Reddit decided to investigate, and the responses are a riot!

    The thread got bombarded with stories about these bizarre childhood legends that practically everyone seemed to buy into. Take, for instance, the classic idea that you could dig a hole to China. Remember that one? Or how about the myth that if you touched a baby animal, its mama would disown it? Turns out that's just some made-up stuff. Who'd have thought? One Reddit user, aged 31, said this thread just blew his mind.

    The stories are not only captivating but also downright hilarious. So, keep on scrolling and enjoy what these 25 Redditors shared about their wild childhood beliefs.

    'Praise the positive:' Internet pleasantly surprised with airline's unusual empathetic dealing with

    Usually, the internet, and Reddit especially, is reserved for letting out a little steam. You go there to rant about an annoying situation you encountered or diss a person who really miffed you off. But sometimes, every now and then, someone decide to share a little light in the darkness of the internet and every time everyone is always pleasantly surprised. 

    This time it was about an experience with Southwest Airlines. Usually, the internet is filled with writes ups after write ups of people having the absolute worst time with an airline. They lose your luggage and don't care, they make you miss a flight and you get charged more, etc. etc. However, this time a guy came to the internet because he was so shocked at how pleasant his experience was after he messed up, he just had to share. 

    It was your basic situation where you have a very early flight and sleep past your alarm. This guy's flight was at 5AM and slept past his alarm and missed his flight by several hours. He called Southwest Airlines in a panic, fully expecting to have to put up a fight to get any sort of help. But instead, his issue was dealt with empathy and the customer service representative totally hooked him up. 

    And to make things even more surprising, the representative that helped him was named Karen! Would ya look at that?? That's something you don't read about every day on the internet. So this Karen helped him out and he got his missed flight fully refunded in SW credits and figured out a way to still get to his destination that same day. 

    It's refreshing to read about a positive situation, especially when it's a positive about a huge corporation and a person named Karen! 

    20+ Workout Memes for Devoted Gym Rats (October 14, 2023)

    Psyching yourself up to exercise is kind of like psyching yourself up to get in the shower. It can take an unbelievable amount of time and effort, but you're glad you managed to convince yourself once you're doing it. 

    At least, that's what it's like for all us lazy, normal people. When you're a certified gym bro, every push is worth it for the gains. In fact, going to the gym is almost like a treat. Those endorphins are very powerful if you experience them often enough, and they carry on to every aspect outside of your life when you're a devotee. It only takes one conversation with an exercise obsessive to realize.

    Not everybody responds well to constant conversations about gains, so it's important to have some other outlets. Memes are a natural response to this conundrum, and they're an amusing one, too. Let them fuel the next session. 

    30 Memes That Pitch in for Your Entertainment

    Just like any form of art, memes are a two way effort. We've got to have those that create them and those that consume them in some kind of equilibrium that keeps everybody happy (or riled up enough that they will keep on creating and consuming). In particular, memes would be nothing without their audience. They are usually the ones adding to them in interesting ways, after all.

    Long story short, we're all in this together when it comes to the memeing process. It relies on every single part being in good working order. As a person reading this, your role right now is to simply let the work of countless others wash over you. It may seem like an easy task, but it's almost as vital as those who are consistently putting their thoughts into meme form. They need witnesses to reach the truest, most respected level of sh*tpost greatness.

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