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Thursday, October 12th, 2023

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    30+ Silly Memes for Playful People

    The other day I was daydreaming about eating a scoop of pistachio ice cream on a beautiful tropical beach somewhere when the person behind me in line at the post office gave me a poke in the shoulder and said 'hey, you're next!' in an annoyed tone. I gave the postal worker the shoes I was returning (not because they didn't fit, but because I purchased them at 2am while intoxicated, not realizing at the time just how broke I was), left the post office and started walking home in the rain. Still daydreaming about that beach holiday, I thought about buying some ice cream on the way home just to try and suck a little misery out of the day, but right when I got to the grocery store, I realized my wallet had fallen out of the giant hole in my jacket pocket. Too tired and frustrated to retrace my steps in the middle of a rain storm, I went straight home&well, almost straight homeI did manage to trip knees-first into a grimy puddle on the way. 

    When I finally reached my apartment, I immediately fired up my trusted meme sources and scrolled through some delightful content, forgetting all about my lousy day. Who needs ice cream when you've got memes? Here's a bunch of random memes to help turn that frown upside-down.

    The Best Heartwarmingly Wholesome Memes and Posts of the Week (October 12, 2023)

    We all know that the internet is an extraordinarily great place to be if your main aim is to make yourself feel bad. It contains enough horrors and people being horrible to put anyone in a terrible mood that they'll never get out of. 

    Despite this, it's a mighty difficult task to actually log off sometimes. This makes it all the more important to counteract the badness with things that are capable of putting a smile on our face. 

    Wholesome memes are an obvious candidate for this, and fortunately, they're in plentiful supply. In a world that often seems miserable and unfair, they offer that much-needed ray of sunshine that not even the biggest pessimist can dim. If you want to make a bad day good or simply make a good day even better, these memes are for you. Doom and gloom is only one part of being alive, and we don't have to dwell on it all the time.

    The Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (October 12, 2023)

    One of the most complex parts of parenting is deciding when a kid is old enough for certain things. When I was a kid, it was a lot easier to keep kids away from inappropriate content. Elementary school children were not running around with iPads because they hadn't been invented yet. It was normal for kids not to go online for anything other than Club Penguin. While it wasn't exactly the wild west, it was still hard for parents to control what we watched once we became tweens. I watched 15 seasons of South Park when I was 12 years old. I tried extremely hard to hide this from my parents, and when they finally found out, they didn't even care! I got pretty lucky having parents who let me go online unsupervised because if they hadn't, I might not have grown up to be the meme professional you see before you today. Whether you're a strict or a lenient parent, I'm sure you're in the mood to indulge in some hilarious parenting tweets

    30+ Wholesome Dog Memes for Canine Enthusiasts (October 12, 2023)

    Dogs. What would we do without them? Can you even imagine what the world would be like if dogs never existed? There would be far fewer people outside and many more pet owners staying indoors with their reclusive cats. The world would probably feel a lot more goth with morose cat people reigning supreme. Public parks would be completely overrun with squirrels, lazy teenagers would have no excuse for failing to complete their homework, and the truffle hunting industry would be in shambles. Yes, the world would be a darker and much less playful place without adorable dogs. 

    In honor of precious puppers and good boys everywhere, we've put together this pawsitively delightful pack of dog memes to make you forget all about a hypothetical world without dogs. Even if you're a cat person, pet-free person, or tarantula personfew can resist the fetching charm of adorable doggo memes. Plus, if you're allergic to dogs but still love 'em, these memes are 100% hypoallergenic. 

    25+ Crazy Stories That Drove People to Break Up with Their Significant Other

    You might think you had it bad with an ex, but did you have it THIS bad? 4.8k folks chimed into this r/askreddit thread to share what made them end it with their significant other, and trust us, these stories do not disappoint. 

    Getting ghosted, forgetting a birthday, and even not even being down with the wizarding world of Harry Potter do not even begin to compare to these wild stories. And TBH, you might just consider becoming a hermit for the rest of your days after reading them. (Just kidding, dating isn't all bad, right? At least, we hope not.)

    We'd like to believe that everyone's perfect match is out there somewhere. But if they do anything REMOTELY close to what these Redditors exes did to them, then steer clear. Remember, relationships aren't supposed to be rocket science. So, keep scrolling and learn from these wild stories  they might just help you spot the red flags in your next situationship. Green flags only for the rest of 2023!

    Fast Food Worker Gets Written Up After Calling Ambulance For Customer Going Into Diabetic Shock

    Sometimes, you have to do terrifying things while you're on the job that were not written in your job description. Especially in a public-facing position, you have a higher chance of having to intervene in an emergency and doing so incredibly fast. You don't have time to think about the consequences of what will happen after; you simply need to act. 

    One fast food employee did exactly that when an older customer came into the restaurant and started behaving strangely. He called a non-emergency line, and they sent some officers out to check on her. The police decided to get an ambulance for her, and that's when the General Manager got angry. She told him that he should've waited for her to come back before he called anyone. He later found out that the call he made saved the old woman's life. Other Reddit users came together to share similar experiences of being reprimanded for doing the right thing. 

    21+ Hangry Memes for Always-Famished Baddies Trying to Get a Bite to Eat

    As a fellow hangry baddie, I don't understand how anyone can just be like, "I'm hungry, but it's fine" and then continue on with there day and not worry about food. Like, you just said you're hungry?? Your belly is probably going to eat its self soon, the chemicals in your body are becoming unstable, you're about to blow, you need food ASAP or the world will feel your wrath! Right? Listen, I know I'm not the only one like this because I come from a long line of hangry family. You think I'm bad? You should see my brother. He's straight up shoved me to the ground cause he wanted his burrito& And we're grown adults! Anyways, that's probably something for the the family therapist. Right now we're focusing on the hangry memes, baby! Are you hungry for some memes? Well, let's fill you up before you start getting testy!

    Thristy Twitter User Gets Roasted for Revealing Head to Toe Black Outfit That "All Men Look Hot In"

    Attraction is a peculiar thing. One person's idea of peak hotness ticks every box on another person's checklist of grossness. While there are plenty of interesting conversations to be had about the social and biological factors that make us attracted to certain things, ultimately all we need to know are our personal preferences, and how not to be a douchebag about them.

    Still, that doesn't mean that we're immune from passing judgment on what others consider a turn on. We only have to look at a lot of internet discourse to understand that. Revealing what you're into on the Wild West of social media always runs a risk of ridicule, as with this recent roasting.

    When a Twitter user claimed that a particular all black outfit was something that "all men look hot in", many others had some choice words to say about that. I guess it's kind of a spinoff of men in uniform?

    SpongeBob SquarePants Memes For Nickelodeon Kids Who Wish They Lived in a Pineapple Under The Sea

    What can I say that hasn't already been said about Spongebob? The first three seasons of this show defined my childhood, and I lowkey feel bad for all of the kids whose parents didn't allow them to watch it. Whenever a fellow third grader looked me in the eyes and told me they did not know the Ripped Pants song, it broke my little heart. When I was a kid, I assumed some parents banned the show because the voices were grating. That was the reason my mom hated The Fairly Odd Parents. Now I realize that parents hated the hidden adult references and jokes within Spongebob, which I understand&sort of. SpongeBob is one of those rare shows that parents and their kids can enjoy because the humor appeals to everybody. It doesn't dumb itself down for kids, which is why I'll be watching SpongeBob with my future children. Until then, I'll just enjoy these SpongeBob memes.

    30 Folks Open Up About Strange Symptoms That They Thought Were Normal but Were Actually Medical Issu

    Have you ever had that mildest symptom that caused you to run frantically to the internet, only to convince yourself that you had cancer? I mean, you practically saw your life flash before your eyes, cried a lot, and planned all the funeral arrangements. But then, miraculously, 24 hours later, that symptom vanished, and you realized you were just being a bit, well, dramatic. It's not just me, right? (I know it's not.) 

    But imagine, what if your worst nightmare actually came true, and you weren't being dramatic at all? (Me, a hypochondriac, does not need to hear this.) Well, that's exactly what happened to these folks on Reddit. OP took to r/NoStupidQuestions after they discovered they too are a tad dramatic and have absolutely no idea what the human body is supposed to feel like. They asked fellow Redditors what the oddest symptoms that they thought were normal, but then actually turned out to be a medical issue (AKA, my worst nightmare.)

    I can't say this Reddit thread magically cured the OP or the rest of us who tend to jump to worst-case scenarios. But it's a pretty darn interesting read. Who knows, maybe you're going through a similar situation as one of these folks, and this little scroll sesh helps you figure things out. Or, you know, maybe it's just a gentle reminder to drop by the doc's office once in a blue moon  can't hurt, right?

    Woman Showcases Roommate's Bizarre Bedroom Layout, Splits Opinion on the Internet

    Whether you care about it or not, interior design is important. If home is where the heart is, then you at least want it to be practical and comfortable, even if it isn't the most fashionable place on Earth. You only have to look at cursed reputation of men without bedframes to see that it's something that evokes strong reactions in people. 

    While almost all of us have our preferences when it comes to things like room layout, they're often not at the forefront of our minds unless something happens that really unsettles us. When one Twitter user revealed how her new roommate had chosen to set up her bedroom, this was exactly the reaction of many. The main culprit for this was the unique placement of the bed in a corner, near a window, and with the pillows facing outwards. Some tried to offer an explanation, but we may never know the reasoning.

    35+ Memes to Smooth Things Over

    It's true of many things in life that the bad stuff makes the good stuff seem even better. The traumatizing minimum wage customer service job you had in college makes the boring, 'adult' office job look comparatively peaceful; that truly awful ex helped you to be extra appreciative of your current partner. Even on a smaller scale, this is true. Seeing a meme that is undeniably cringe increases your appreciation for one that one hundred percent caters to your personal taste.

    This phenomenon makes a list like this a great exercise in tolerance. It's highly likely that not every meme found below will be on exactly your wavelength, but that only increases the entertainment you experience from the ones that you do enjoy. Also, no matter what you think of them, they're still passing the time in an acceptable, brain-numbing way. As we always like to say, smooth brain, smooth life.

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