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Tuesday, October 10th, 2023

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    50 Relatable Memes for People Who Are Just Fine

    Mental health is a funny thing. Some days your brain will randomly be like, 'man&life rules'. And then other days, well, we don't really like to talk about those other days. Have you ever felt like you were about to hit rock bottom but then the bottom just kept not coming? Or maybe you know what it's like to be in such a funk that achievements feel totally meaningless. Well, you're not alone! Lots of people cycle through good and bad vibes pretty regularly, and if you spend just a few minutes on the internet, you'll get a great sense of this just based on the memes. We are all clumsily stumbling through life, and sometimes the only thing we can do to feel better is laugh

    We've put together this huge collection of random memes for people who often find themselves flatly saying 'I'm fine' while screaming internally. 

    21+ Daughter Memes for Moms, Dads, and Their Little Fireball Princess (October 10, 2023)

    When you're expecting a child, everyone always asks you if you'd prefer a son or a daughter. Usually people will say it doesn't matter, but we call BS. We know you're going to love them either way, but you have a preference of what you're hoping for, quit kidding yourself. And it's a daughter, isn't it? Daughters are just a level of sass and adorableness that sons just don't capture the same way. As a grown daughter myself, I can tell you I'm pretty cool. So ipso facto, daughter are just hella cool. That's a fact, probably a science fact too. Anyways, if you have a little fireball princess of your own or are a daughter yourself, we've got some memes for you! It doesn't matter how "manly" you are, when your daughter says she wants you to put on all pink with her and play Barbies, you do it. So you've earned these memes!

    The Most Entertaining Takes From TikTok This Week (October 10, 2023)

    I have a lot of thoughts about the future of the internet that make me anxious. One of these is that we will all be increasingly expected to express ourselves via the medium of short form video. Has the static written word really become that boring? I don't want to have to go through an editing process every time I want to share an opinion! 

    That being said, I gain a lot of entertainment from the many millions of people who do choose to become devoted TikTok creators. Some of them do genuinely interesting and innovative things on their platform, and the rest are fun to watch in a human zoo kind of way. TikTok is no stranger to liars, clout chasers, and those who really need to log off for once, and it that way it's no different to any other social media platform. It's just a bit more colorful.

    Tolkien Tuesday: The Best Lord of the Rings Memes This Week (October 10, 2023)

    If you've ever wondered why the Eagles didn't just take Frodo and the ring to Mordor, let us explain it to you before you do something rash, like post the question to a Lord of the Rings subreddit and get absolutely dragged in the comment section. The question itself isn't a bad onethe Eagles do tend to miraculously show up just in time before all is lost, but the Eagles aren't some superficial deus ex machina Tolkien threw in there because he was lazy. There's lots of complex lore behind the Eagles that people who have only watched the movies might be missing out on. The most obvious reason why the Eagles didn't deliver the ring to Mordor is because tactically, gigantic birds flying toward Mount Doom would have been pretty stupid. I think the Dark Lord Sauron would have noticed that. If there's one blaring theme of the Lord of the Rings series, it's that "even the smallest person can change the course of the future", and Frodo and Sam were certainly small enough to sneak past Sauron's gaze. 

    But what about the Eagle who rescues Gandalf? That Eagle is Gandalf's old pal Gwaihir the Windlord, who was the Lord of the Great Eagles during the third age. Gwaihir rescues Gandalf from the peak of the Tower of Orthanc (and later from Zirakzigil after his battle with Durin's Bane) because Gandalf is a Maiaa spirit of the divine orderand has a special relationship with the Eagles. The Eagles are a proud race and don't do favors for just anyonewizards like Gandalf and Radagast built trust and relationships with the Great Eagles over many years, and the Eagles understand and support Gandalf's mission in Middle-earth. 

    If you liked this little LOTR lore lesson, you're going to love this week's dank Lord of the Rings memes

    27 Uplifting Memes to Brighten Up Your World Mental Health Day

    Hey there fellow meme enthusiasts and mental health advocates! Today, we're celebrating World Mental Health Day, and guess what? We've got a stash of relatable memes that'll make you smile, giggle, and perhaps even rethink that "all work, no play" mantra. So, grab your go-to snack and get ready to lol your way through this heartwarming meme compilation.

    World Mental Health Day reminds us to prioritize self-love and care. It's not just about adulting; it's about embracing the weird, celebrating the unhinged, and frolicking through the occasional chaotic mess that is life. After all, laughter truly is the best medicine, and memes are the prescription! 

    Now go ahead and scroll through these memes, share them with your friends, and remember that it's okay to have ups and downs. Let's share the positivity and make every day feel like World Mental Health Day!

    The Cringiest Parenting Texts of the Week (October 10, 2023)

    Parenting is often something that happens behind closed doors. It's no secret that there's a big difference between how a parent will reprimand their kid while they're in public versus at their home. This is mostly due to general social etiquette in public: you're not going to scream at your kid in a Walmart unless it's completely necessary. Even if you wouldn't reprimand your kids in front of others the way you would at home, it's important that you don't speak to kids in a way you'd be embarrassed about if others found out. If somebody found your texts with your kids and posted them online, you probably wouldn't be happy about it because of the flagrant disregard for privacy, but hopefully, the way you speak to your children in private wouldn't ruin your reputation. Some of these parenting texts are life-ruining, others are slightly embarrassing, and a couple are just plain sad. I'll let you guys be the judge of them. 

    The Best Harry Potter Memes of the Week (October 10, 2023)

    Here's a fun question for the peanut gallery: Besides Lupin, which Defense Against The Dark Arts professor would you want to be your teacher? I feel like a lot of us would say Snape, but mostly because he was one of the few teachers in this position who actually knew what they were talking about. Also, he wanted it so badly for so many years and finally got it. Honestly, I wouldn't be completely opposed to having Quirrel as my professor. Sure, he has the head of the dark lord living under his turban, but we all have our faults. In the classroom, he was mostly just a lame coward, which on second thought, might not be the best qualities for teaching defensive spells. He couldn't even defend himself against the dark arts! If you feel strongly about Gilderoy Lockhart, Dolores Umbridge, or Barty Crouch Jr. pretending to be Mad-Eye Moody, these Harry Potter memes might suit your fancy. 

    Foodie Jokester Tries to Slate Salt and Pepper, Reignites the Great Food Seasoning Debate

    Food is undeniably part of the pantheon of evergreen internet conversation topics that will always elicit a strong reaction. Taste is an important sense for most of us, and we have all grown up with certain cultural expectations of what good food should be. These vary a lot, and it is never more apparent than when online controversies get started about it. 

    Up for the judgment this week has been the humble duo of salt and pepper, surely a staple in any kitchen. Apparently not if a satirical tweet was anything to go by, announcing that these two integral seasonings were "mid". Evoking the arguments surrounding a chef who tried to demonstrate not too long ago that making food taste good doesn't always require a load of spices, Twitter users couldn't help but push back against this absurd statement. Some people are far too convincing when they act as if they've never cooked a meal before.

    Musical Memes For Broadway-Bound Theatre Kids Who are Still Singing Along to 'Newsies'

    If you weren't a theatre kid in the 2010s, you should envy everybody who was. In my opinion, that was the golden age of theatre kid fandom on Tumblr, and now that stinkers like Be More Chill are no longer in style, the world is so much worse for it. Teens were obsessed with angsty musicals like Heather The Musical, Newsies, Carrie The Musical, Mean Girls The Musical, and, of course, Hamilton. Sure, millennials might have had Spring Awakening and Rent to rock out to, but they did not have Miku Binder Thomas Jefferson. Gen Z teenagers were passing around illegal recordings of Broadway shows like nobody's business and selling them to other teenagers at steep prices. Even though some musicals have become cult classics for youngsters in the 2020s (Ride The Cyclone), nothing will compare to those 2016 Hamilton days. If you miss the Broadway fandom, these musical theatre memes will bring you right back. 

    30 Alarming Insomniac Memes for Sleepy Heads Smashing the Snooze Button

    When choosing the sound you want for your work alarm every morning, insomniacs must understand that that sound will be ruined forever. Like traumatized dogs on the Fourth of July, that alarm sound will be the fireworks that trigger your most upsetting PTSD. All you can do is hope that there's not a random lady in the grocery store who has that same sound as her ringtone because you might fall to your knees from a heart attack. 

    Insomniacs don't inherently dislike sleeping. We love to sleep actually. It's just that our brains aren't very good at it. If insomniacs were graded on an AB scale for their sleep effectiveness, they'd probably bring home a solid D-.... and the only reason they wouldn't get an F is because insomniacs are very good at nap-procrastinating. So if you're a fellow sleepy head who's probably reading this at 12AM, these memes are for you! Scroll onward to keep your eyes open juuuuust a little longer, while checking out some relatable memeage. 

    Loser Tattles On Fast Food Worker For Greeting Him Casually

    It's hard to win when you're working in customer service. If you are casual and approachable, people think you're unprofessional and careless. If you ask several clarifying questions and maintain a "professional" manner, people think you are trying too hard and seem unfriendly. There is literally no way to win, so you have to gauge what vibe to have with each customer individually, which can be very taxing, especially if you work in a busy fast-food restaurant where customers will treat you however they want. Mean customers usually just want somebody to blame for their bad behavior in public, and low-paid employees are an easy target. 

    One Newcastle resident recently had such a bad day that he decided to tattle on a Greggs employee for using a greeting he deemed too casual. While I am not British and don't exactly understand what he meant by, "Morning mate, what you have having," I know it was not cause for tweeting the official Greggs Twitter account. 

    30 Memes And Tweets For Those Who Can't Get Enough

    I've said this before, and I'll say it again: I don't think anything will get me to quit Twitter. The only thing I can think of that would make me do such a thing is if Elon makes us pay to use the platform. In that case, the website's as good as dead. That will prove that all those tweets that said, "I can't believe this site is free," released something nefarious into the universe. It's the kind of thing Elon would do, but luckily, I don't think he's that stupid&at least right now. 

    Over the past year, countless accounts have announced that they're leaving Twitter for good in defiance of Musk's terrible policies. I admire the willpower of those people because I couldn't quit Twitter if I tried. As Jake Gyllenhaal once said to Heath Ledger, "I wish I knew how to quit you." If you can't quit tweets and memes, welcome home, friend. 

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