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Sunday, October 8th, 2023

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    28 Family Memes That Don't Fall Far From the Tree (October 8, 2023)

    After spending a solid 48 -72 hours with family, most people need a break. You're at your limit of being openly roasted by your parents, your aunt is at your mom's throat, and your siblings ate all of your leftovers. We love them to the moon and back, but family can be downright exhausting. Although it's always a good test of our patience, compassion, and empathy, family gatherings remind us why we only do this a few times a year. Maybe next time you can be prepared for when your little cousins and nephews swarm your ankles asking if your phone has any games. And perhaps next time you'll be more chill when your grandma tells you to stand up straight and start getting more serious about getting married. They may be tedious to spend time with, but at least family will always love you no matter what. They've seen you through your dirt-baggiest dirt-bag phases and they're still here, so I guess we love them back. Until the next reunion... 

    Incompetent Tech Company Insists on Holding 3-Hour Meeting After Software Deployment, Making Dev Una

    In a classic case of 'F around and find out', redditor u/Sinaneos decided to let their incompetent team have their way after they insisted on holding a 3-hour meeting on a Friday instead of pushing it to Monday so that OP could address inevitable post-software deployment issues. Because OP was stuck in the pointless meeting, they weren't able to monitor or fix anything. The company ended up upsetting clients and wasting tens of thousands of dollars because they were determined to have a meeting at the worst possible time. You call yourself a tech company? Maybe listen to your software developer. Keep scrolling for the whole story.

    Fart Memes for Gas Havers

    There are many annoying things about getting older, and one of them is the digestive issues. I miss the days when indigestion, reflux, and bloating were mere concepts to me. As if these weren't bad enough on their own, the gas that they are accompanied by can be pretty astounding. You really have to embrace the maxim of better out than in.

    Everyone has to fart, even if there are still some uptight individuals in this world who mysteriously refuse to admit to it. While it may be the definition of potty humor, farting is inherently funny. As such, it's no shock that there are a lot of memes about it. From the mortifying ordeal of passing gas at an awkward time to the disbelief that something smelling like that could come out of a human being, there's plenty to laugh about. We will destigmatize farts, one meme at a time.

    20+ Nostalgic Disney Channel Original Halloween Movies That Are More Than Just a Bunch of Hocus Pocu

    Remember Disney channel in October during the earlier 2000s? What a time to be alive! No wonder so many millennials are obsessed with Halloween. The Disney channel really made that a special time. All the shows like got special Halloween episodes and the Disney channel original movies became strictly spooky. We're talking Hocus Pocus, the Halloweentown anthology, Mom's Got a Date With a Vampire, The Tower of Terror, The Haunted Mansion, The Nightmare Before Christmas and so many others that became Halloween classics. Seriously, now it just doesn't feel like Halloween unless you get a chance to watch one or all of these movies. At least for us millennials who grew up with them. They were so soothingjust enough jump scares to make you feel like you were being brave, but just enough Disney sweetness to have you learning some good morals. Hopefully we let these films live on forever during spooky season, for now, enough the memes! 

    23+ Memeified Screen Shots of Hilarious Text Messages

    Texts are receiptsyou can't say, "I didn't say that," when it's right there for anybody's lookballs to see. As a rule of thumb, everybody should always text assuming they might get screen shot. It's just common sense. Those who don't follow that rule& Well, they either come out sounding horrible or hilarious. There's no in between. You don't screen shot courteous chit chat. 

    That being said, we are grateful for the silly goofy ones who text before thinking and come up with comedic genius. So many text thread are worthy of being a meme, but not always screen shot for that purpose. Well, we've scoured the internet to try and find some of the best memeified text threads. Flirty fails to dark comedyit'll most definitely have you responding with LOL. Those little blue and green bubbles can do more than just help us communicate with each other, they can also provide the internet with endless entertainment

    Entitled Bridesmaid Insists on Bringing "Emotional Support" Dog on Bachelorette Trip, Throws Tantrum

    There's no denying the therapeutic qualities of pets. The love of a dog, cat, or something more exotic is one of the best antidotes on a bad mental health day. It's no surprise that the emotional support animal has seen a seismic rise in popularity over recent years. 

    Up to a point, it's important to accommodate these critters. However, it's also got to be recognized that they're not exactly operating on the level of a seeing eye dog. Also, there are people out there who try to unfairly exploit this title as a loophole.

    This is what a maid of honor suspected about one of her sister's bridesmaids. Taking her dilemma to Reddit, she claimed that the supposed animal lover had complained about paying for her own bachelorette hotel room if she brought her emotional support dog. The Redditor had her reasons for suspecting she was making a phony claim, and most others agreed. It doesn't really sound fair on the animal. 

    20+ Retro Toy Memes That Will Have You Laughing with Your Inner Child

    Psychologist, therapist, and whatever other doctors are always blaming the parents and bla bla bla for people's adult anxiety. But maybe the should turn their sights to the kids toy industry. Back in the day, a key component to some of the most popular kids toys was stress and anxiety. Games like "Operation," "Hungry Hungry Hippos," and a game literally called "Perfection" where all very stressful games. The second the game started, the sweat started pouring. Will you hit the buzzer while taking out that poor red nosed guy's heart? Would your hippo be able to eat the most plasticballs before everyone else's hippo in a fit of chaos?? Would an entire game pop in your face if you don't match up the shapes quick enough?? Lordy lord, I'm sweating just thinking about it right now. 

    That being said, they were pretty fun& lol I was actually pretty good at operation. Ask me now and life really gave me a shake hand, so I'd fail. But I'd definitely still feel the stress of it all! Let's remember these fun games with memes about them below. 

    31 Amusing Memes With More Words Than Pictures

    Reading holds great significance, especially during your school years, but as you grow older, the motivation to read often needs to come from within. Every adult sources their reading material differently. Some individuals proudly abstain from reading books, but in my experience, the majority of adults who don't read confess it with a hint of unease and embarrassment. Others encounter snippets of reading in their daily lives, whether from billboards or bathroom graffiti. Not to pass judgment, but this represents the most basic level of adult readership. I understand this because I've been part of that group myself. I've met adults who are still engrossed in Harry Potter fanfiction on platforms like Archives of Our Own, and to them, I say, it's better than nothing! If you're reading this, you likely belong to a more internet-savvy reading community. You read articles (at least the three free ones you get each month), and you engage with memes. These memes are tailored for readers like you.

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