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Sunday, April 23rd, 2017

    Time Event
    Sherlock Fic: Penumbra - Series Two (First Chapter: Do You Dance?)
    Penumbra 2-1 Do You Dance title graphic 2

    Title: Penumbra - Series Two (First Chapter: Do You Dance?)
    Author: [personal profile] saki101
    Characters/Pairings: John Watson/Sherlock Holmes, Bill Wiggins, OCs
    Rating: Mature (for the series)
    Genre: slash
    Word Count: ~5K
    Disclaimer: Neither Sherlock nor Dark Shadows is mine and no money is being made.
    Synopsis: In Maine, there was Collinwood and the three centuries of history that were woven into its walls. In London, there is Holmeswood Manor (or the Manor on Baker Street as the urban legends have it), tucked now into a city street when once its oak woods rolled from the heath to the river.

    John grew up with its stories of ghosts and wizards and things that hunt in the night. They didnt keep him from interviewing for a residential post at the Manor because he couldnt afford London on an army pension and there could not possibly have been any truth to the tales.
    A/N: A sequel to the gothic AU of the Sherlock universe inspired by the universe of Dark Shadows (the television series) I wrote last spring for the 2016 Miniseries March Challenge. Series Two is set almost a year after the first series.

    Do You Dance? on AO3.
    Series One (all five chapters) on A03.

    Excerpt: Seeing red is an expression Ive heard all my life. Id never actually seen it before though.

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