Art in the Blood's Journal
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Below are the 14 most recent journal entries recorded in Art in the Blood's InsaneJournal:

    Sunday, April 23rd, 2017
    1:06 am
    Sherlock Fic: Penumbra - Series Two (First Chapter: Do You Dance?)
    Penumbra 2-1 Do You Dance title graphic 2

    Title: Penumbra - Series Two (First Chapter: Do You Dance?)
    Author: [personal profile] saki101
    Characters/Pairings: John Watson/Sherlock Holmes, Bill Wiggins, OCs
    Rating: Mature (for the series)
    Genre: slash
    Word Count: ~5K
    Disclaimer: Neither Sherlock nor Dark Shadows is mine and no money is being made.
    Synopsis: In Maine, there was Collinwood and the three centuries of history that were woven into its walls. In London, there is Holmeswood Manor (or the Manor on Baker Street as the urban legends have it), tucked now into a city street when once its oak woods rolled from the heath to the river.

    John grew up with its stories of ghosts and wizards and things that hunt in the night. They didnt keep him from interviewing for a residential post at the Manor because he couldnt afford London on an army pension and there could not possibly have been any truth to the tales.
    A/N: A sequel to the gothic AU of the Sherlock universe inspired by the universe of Dark Shadows (the television series) I wrote last spring for the 2016 Miniseries March Challenge. Series Two is set almost a year after the first series.

    Do You Dance? on AO3.
    Series One (all five chapters) on A03.

    Excerpt: Seeing red is an expression Ive heard all my life. Id never actually seen it before though.
    Monday, November 23rd, 2020
    9:43 am
    Sherlock Holmes Fic: He's Not Here
    Title: Hes Not Here
    Author: saki101
    Rating: PG
    Word Count: ~7.9K
    Warnings: consideration of the apparent death of Holmes, canon typical mention of off-stage death of minor characters
    Summary: Holmes learns more about how Watson felt after the Reichenbach Fall, and what Watson did about it.
    Disclaimer: Public domain (at least all the ACD story elements referenced herein)
    A/N: Written for the 2020 ACDHolmesfest.

    JB as Hamlet from Wikipedia

    Excerpt: Where did you get a photograph of me?

    I laughed. From that photographer you suspected of murder. You sat for a whole series in order to have plenty of time to converse with him and observe his reactions. You told him you were an actor and had me bring along changes of costume, stage make-up, and props - a skull and a riding crop. Surely you remember?

    On A03.

    Photo Source: Wikipedia Commons

    Saturday, April 4th, 2015
    6:06 pm
    Fic: Writ in Water
    Title: Writ in Water
    Author: Vermin
    Verse: ACD Canon
    Characters: Sherlock Holmes, Irene Adler
    Rating: PG
    Word Count: 8,300
    Warnings: Violence, but nothing beyond what occurs in canon.
    Notes: Thank you so much to my excellent beta-readers, thekumquat, garonne, and tripleransom. The link above goes to AO3 and the one below to my LJ.

    A note on pairings: This is essentially gen, although there is some discussion of Irenes relationship with Godfrey Norton, and it doesnt take a very strong prescription of slash-goggles to read Holmes/Watson into it, even though Watson doesnt actually make an appearance on-screen. The idea of Holmes/Irene is discussed but ultimately dismissed by the characters in question.

    "As you can see, the Eternal City is a charming place to be English, artistic and dead. You are in good company."
    Thursday, June 25th, 2015
    5:52 pm
    ACD Fanfiction: Signs and Signals
    Fanfic Title: Signs and Signals
    Author's Name: saki101
    Rating: a mild R
    Pairings (if any): Holmes/Watson
    Challenge Response/Individual Fic: Written for the May 2015 acd_holmesfest for vernets
    Synopsis: Holmes boxes. Watson wagers. There are exchanges of signals and a case.
    Advisories: none
    Story Link or LJ Cut: On AO3 and LJ.

    Excerpt: I turned from my consideration of the street to where Holmes lounged beside me. Youll let me see to that? I asked. The flush of his exertions had faded from his cheeks, leaving the cut across one all the more livid in contrast.

    He opened his eyes partway. How much did you wager?
    Tuesday, November 3rd, 2015
    4:48 pm
    Sherlock Fanfiction: Lepidoptera
    Title: Lepidoptera
    Author: saki101
    Characters/Pairings: John Watson/Sherlock Holmes, Mrs Hudson, Mycroft Holmes, Mike Stamford, Mummy Holmes, Father Holmes, Puck
    Rating: NC-17
    Genre: slash
    Word Count: ~17.5K
    Disclaimer: Sherlock is not mine and no money is being made.
    Summary: Mike does not know Sherlock, but he introduces John to his former patient, Mrs Hudson, who has a room to let at a very reasonable rent. Sherlock finds John nevertheless.
    A/N: A stand-alone AU of the Sherlock universe crossed with A Midsummer Night's Dream written for the Spook-Me Multi-Fandom Halloween Ficathon 2015 in response to the prompt: dark faeries.

    On LJ (in two parts due to length, link to part two at the end of part one)
    On AO3

    Excerpt: Nothing ever happens to me, John said, meeting his therapists detached gaze. He could look someone straight in the eye and not give away a thing. The skill had been as valuable in his career as when he played poker. Ella glanced down to scratch at her notebook. She had perfected the same technique.

    John looked beyond her. Outside the firmly closed windows, bare tree branches scratched at the pale grey page of the sky.

    "Anymore," he added silently.
    Wednesday, February 17th, 2016
    3:09 am
    Fic: Unsent

    Title: Unsent
    Author: hardboiledbaby
    Rating: PG
    Universe: ACD books
    Pairings: Holmes/Watson UST/One-sided
    Word Count: 276
    Summary: Epistolary ficlet set during the hiatus. Written for gardnerhill.
    Warnings: none

    Story Link: on AO3

    Friday, March 11th, 2016
    9:05 pm
    Sherlock Fanfiction: Give Me Fire & Epilogue
    Fanfic Title: Give Me Fire & Epilogue
    Author's Name: saki101
    Rating: NC-17
    Pairings (if any): Sherlock/John
    Word Count: ~5.7
    Challenge Response: Chapter One was written for Come at Once: Round 6 to 1electricpirate's evocative prompt, 'give me fire'.
    Synopsis: An AU where the events following Many Happy Returns go very differently because Sherlock finds a way to communicate with John during the Hiatus that no one can hack and no one would believe John if he even tried to tell them about it.
    Advisories: The Sherlock canon torture scene from TEH and its consequences are referenced.
    Story Link: On AO3 and on LJ.

    Excerpt: John picked it up. Such a small thing. Thin. Light. A perfect circle waiting inside.

    He flipped it over, watched the sunlight bounce off the silver surface. Like a mirror.
    Thursday, March 24th, 2016
    7:06 pm
    Sherlock Fic: Penumbra (Chap. 1- Meet Me at Moonrise, Chap. 2- Sequestration & Chap. 3-Tranfusions)
    Fanfic Title: Penumbra
    Author's Name: saki101
    Rating: NC-17 (for series)
    Pairings (if any): John Watson/Sherlock Holmes
    Challenge Response: Written for the Miniseries March Challenge at Fall TV Season Sherlock
    Disclaimer: Neither Sherlock nor Dark Shadows is mine and no money is being made.
    Synopsis: A gothic AU of the Sherlock universe inspired by the universe of Dark Shadows (the television series), presented in four chapters
    Advisories: Supernatural elements could be interpreted as dub/con
    Story Links: On AO3 (all chapters)
    Chapter One: Meet Me at Moonrise On LJ
    Chapter Two: Sequestration On LJ
    Chapter Three: Transfusions On LJ)

    Excerpt: A glint of white streaked across the sky, a fleck of fallen moonbeam.
    Fanciful, Watson.
    I may have crossed into the land of poets and madmen; I should use their language.
    Thursday, March 31st, 2016
    6:08 pm
    Sherlock Fic: Penumbra (Chapter Four: Beyond the Palings) - COMPLETE
    Title: Penumbra (Chapter Four: Beyond the Palings)
    Author: saki101
    Characters/Pairings: John Watson/Sherlock Holmes, Mrs Hudson, Mike Stamford, Bill Wiggins, Mrs Turner, Mr Chatterjee, Bill Murray, Molly Hooper
    Rating: NC-17 (for the series)
    Genre: slash
    Word Count: ~6.8K (Chapter Four)
    Disclaimer: Neither Sherlock nor Dark Shadows is mine and no money is being made.
    Preview: The month is drawing to a close. John must decide.
    A/N: A gothic AU of the Sherlock universe inspired by the universe of Dark Shadows (the television series), presented in four episodes, and written for the Miniseries March Challenge at Fall TV Season Sherlock.

    Also posted on AO3.
    Chapter One: Meet Me at Moonrise may be read on LJ here.
    Chapter Two: Sequestration may be read on LJ here.
    Chapter Three: Transfusions may be read on LJ here.

    Excerpt: Sherlock stood in shirtsleeves before the piano in the corner, swaying as he played his violin, his back to me. Sunlight slanted through the southern windows, throwing blues and violets over him, greens and golds at his feet.

    You have questions, he said and raised his bow. His tone was cool; he did not turn around.
    Wednesday, May 4th, 2016
    12:56 am
    Sherlock Fic: Penumbra (Addenda: Baskerville & Chapalu) - Missing Scenes
    Title: Penumbra (Addenda: Baskerville & Chapalu )
    Author: saki101
    Word Count: ~15K (Addenda: Baskerville & Chapalu)
    Pairing: John Watson/Sherlock Holmes
    Rating: NC-17 (for the series)
    Disclaimer: Neither Sherlock nor Dark Shadows is mine and no money is being made.
    Summary: John is no longer sequestered. Boundaries expand and creatures are encountered.
    A/N: An adventure that occurred before the final scene in Chapter Four: Beyond the Palings.

    Excerpt: I stared for a moment at him and his beautiful proportions. He looked back at me, standing still as a statue with the water sluicing over him, except that statues do not grow red and purple bruises across their perfect skin.

    On AO3 (all chapters)
    Chapter One: Meet Me at Moonrise on LJ
    Chapter Two: Sequestration on LJ
    Chapter Three: Transfusions on LJ
    Chapter Four: Beyond the Palings on LJ
    Sunday, July 3rd, 2016
    12:09 am
    Sherlock Fic: The Wolf Within
    Fanfic Title: The Wolf Within
    Authors Name: The White Lily
    Rating: PG-13
    Pairings (if any): Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, John Watson/Mary Morstan, Sherlock Holmes & Mycroft Holmes
    Challenge Response/Individual Fic: Written for the 'Wolf' challenge at fan_flashworks
    Synopsis: The Ballad of a Holmes and His Love: A Johnlock Story in Rhyme
    Advisories & Content: Some Reichenbach Angst, Romance, Pining, S3 Fix-it
    Story Link or LJ Cut: On AO3
    Thursday, December 28th, 2017
    7:42 pm
    trobadora: FIC: "Choice of Exit" (Exit Sherlock Holmes: Holmes/Moriarty) [PG-13]
    Title: Choice of Exit
    Author: trobadora
    Fandom: Exit Sherlock Holmes - Robert Lee Hall
    Pairing: Sherlock Holmes/James Moriarty
    Characters: Sherlock Holmes, James Moriarty, John Watson
    Rating: PG-13
    Warnings: none
    Summary: My dear Watson, I have lied to you again. (Or, as Watson says, "Sherlock Holmes deceived me in many things, but in the end he told the truth.")

    AO3 | DW
    Thursday, February 22nd, 2018
    10:14 pm
    trobadora: FIC: The Sounds of Life (BBC Sherlock: Sherlock & Moriarty) [PG-13]
    Title: The Sounds of Life
    Author: trobadora
    Fandom: Sherlock (BBC)
    Rating: PG-13
    Pairing: Sherlock Holmes & Jim Moriarty, Sherlock Holmes/Jim Moriarty (UST)
    Warnings: none
    Summary: An alternate ending for the pool scene from The Great Game/A Scandal in Belgravia: What if Irene hadn't called?

    The Sounds of Life
    Sunday, June 21st, 2020
    7:44 pm
    Sherlock Holmes Fic: Infinite Variety
    Violin Student - seymour-art-music

    Title: Infinite Variety
    Author: saki101
    Rating: PG
    Characters and Pairings: Sherlock Holmes, Doctor John Watson, Holmes/Watson
    Word Count: ~4.6K
    Warnings: consideration of the apparent death of Holmes, canon typical mention of off-stage death of minor characters
    Summary: Almost as precipitously as when Stamford first introduced them, Holmes and Watson take up residence on Baker Street after Holmes returns from the dead. Subsequently, they sift through the implications.
    Disclaimer: Public domain (at least all the ACD story elements referenced herein)
    A/N: Written for the June 2020 Holmestice.

    Excerpt: It is, with small gestures like this, that we nurture one another in our mutual convalescence of body and mind. We are neither of us whole, no matter what brave faces we may put on it.

    Posted on AO3.

    Painting: The Violin Student by Stephen Seymour Thomas (1868 - 1956)
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