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Sunday, October 22nd, 2017

    Time Event
    FIC: Feat. Char: Astoria Greengrass - "Astoria Malfoy's Guide to Good Housekeeping"
    Title: "Astoria Malfoy's Guide to Good Housekeeping"
    Gaining Access: https://archiveofourown.org/works/5138438
    Author: enchantedteapot
    Word Count: 1,243
    Alternate Links to Fic: http://nextgendarkfest.livejournal.com/58599.html
    Pairing: Astoria Greengrass, implied Draco/Rose, Scorpius/Rose
    Rating: Mature (Hard R)
    Author's Summary: Red stains on the carpet, white stains on the sheets. It really is all such a terrible mess.
    Author's Website: on AO3, on Livejournal

    Why everyone should read this:
    I love dark fic around the Halloween season, and this story delivers a fantastic post-incident psychological horror punch to the gut.

    The story takes place after an incident that ends in Draco and Rose's murders, and Astoria is left cleaning up the mess. Pretty much, that's it. It's short and to the point, but it is an excellent character analysis in such few words. Here you really get a feel for who Astoria has become as a result of her husband's multiple infidelities over the years: she's an ice-queen, cynical and lacking any empathy. Yet, the author has done an amazing job in just a few words of making you feel her indifference in Draco's and Rose's brutal ends is justified. By contrast, she's motherly and kind to her beloved son, whose rage at his lover's and father's betrayal resulted in their violent end. Astoria's solution as to how to clean up the mess in the end is coldbloodedly inspired.

    If you're a lover of dark fic, too, give this one a whirl. Read/review it for the author, and let her know it was a job well done!


    The rug is ruined - she can see that from where she stands, unmoving in the doorway. The ominous dark puddle will have seeped through to the floorboards and no cleaning charm or House Elf in this world could save it now. The bed linen she's disinclined to be so callous with, though. That particular set is Egyptian cotton, after all.
    She takes a deep breath and toys with her wedding ring. There is a tang to the air, something metallic and wholly unpleasant which catches at the back of her throat and threatens with rising bile. She swallows quickly and decides to make quick work of the task at hand, lest her own stomach contents add to the list of bodily fluids she rather wishes she'd not encountered already this evening.
    She takes a step into the room and pauses, wand in hand. Where to begin?

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