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Monday, October 9th, 2017

    Time Event
    FIC: Feat. Pair: Katie/Marcus. Steadily Heartbreaking, by GoldSilver02
    Title: Steadily Heartbreaking
    Author: GoldSilver02
    Word Count: 2718 words complete
    Alternate Links to Fic: none
    Pairing: Katie Bell/ Marcus Flint
    Rating: PG
    Author's Summary: Regardless of it all, Oliver Wood wasn't an idiot. He knew that Katie Bell would choose Marcus Flint sooner or later. He just never understood why.
    Author's Website: Author's fic list on FFN
    Why everyone should read this: This is one of those feel-good one-shots (unless your name is Oliver Wood, hehe) where you see the development of a relationship through the eyes of another. Someone who is not a shipper, to say the least. Oliver's confusion, suspicion and denial, and later, disapointment is well told. You'll (almost) feel sorry for him by the time you reach the end.

    I guess that Ollie will need some more time to understand and come to terms with reality.

    It was Saturday (the day of the big game) that it happened. Oliver Wood would later refer to it as 'The Incident'. It happened in slow motion for him. One minute she was up in the air, arms outstretched to catch the quaffle that seared past her finger-tips and then she was falling. Oliver was glued to the spot. He remembered hearing screams and George trying to catch her but it wasn't anyone from the Gryffindor team that caught her. A loud growl ripped through the Keeper's throat when he saw Marcus Flint grab one of Katie's arms and heft her onto his broom. Madam Hooch called a time out and both teams gathered around the middle of the pitch.

    Fred Weasley ripped Katie out of Marcus' arms and led her over to where the rest of the team were situated. Angelina and Alicia immediately had their arms wrapped around her and she was quickly wiping away the tears that fell onto her cheeks. Oliver came up behind her and put both his hands on her shoulders glaring at the Slytherin captain. Marcus glared back at him.

    After making sure that Katie was fine and reminding everyone for what seemed like the seventh time that game the conducts and rules of Quidditch, the game resumed.

    Minutes later, Harry Potter caught the snitch and won the game for them. Grinning happily, he grabbed Katie and swung her around.

    He didn't not notice the petite blonde stare at the tall burly Slytherin captain when he walked by. He didn't miss the stare that the said tall burly Slytherin captain gave the petite blonde back.

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