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Sunday, October 8th, 2017

    Time Event
    FIC: Feat. Char: Astoria Greengrass - "The Art of Seduction"
    Title: "The Art of Seduction"
    Gaining Access: https://wizard-love.livejournal.com/152946.html (Part 1), https://wizard-love.livejournal.com/153132.html (Part 2)
    Author: wandaxmaximoff
    Word Count: 13,574
    Alternate Links to Fic: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/7938913/1/The-Art-of-Seduction, http://archiveofourown.org/works/365230
    Pairing: Astoria Greengrass/Draco Malfoy
    Rating: NC-17
    Author's Summary: When buying his mother's birthday present, Draco meets a woman who takes his breath away. However, after numerous attempts to woo Asteria fail, she has to take matters into her own hands.
    Author's Website: on Livejournal, on AO3, on Fanfiction.net

    Why everyone should read this:
    Originally written for the 2012 wizard_love fic exchange, this is an adorable fluffy romance that will leave you laughing out loud (at SappyInLove!Draco and his fumbling, tied tongue), sighing and shaking your head (at Draco's string of bad luck), feeling indignant for Draco (when people abuse his infatuation for their own aims), and fanning yourself off and sweating (from the hot sex as Asteria takes charge - go girl!).

    The author prefers to spell her name 'Asteria' for this fic, FYI.

    This is a familiar tale: boy goes shopping for a present, boy meets girl who works at shop, boy falls instantly for her but his tongue ties into knots every time he tries to talk to her, boy can't ever get a break to ask out girl due to circumstances, girl finally takes the relationship by the reins and fixes the misunderstandings directly. The rest, as they say, is history.

    Rather than an arranged marriage between these two, as so many other authors envision this couple's start, 'wandamaximoff' has chosen to go the route of true love trumping tradition...and she fulfills that destiny with a reciprocally-felt chemistry that is through the roof. Draco and Asteria choose each other here, rather than let others choose for them, and that is totally sexy to me. I think you'll feel the same once you read it.


    "Excuse me Miss, I require your assistance, please."
    She turned to him with bright blue eyes that were almost hidden by the dark fringe of hair that fell down to her neatly-plucked eyebrows. Raising one of those eyebrows, and smiling with rose painted lips, she replied, "Certainly. How can I be of help to you today?"
    Draco's heart pounded, and for a moment he forgot why he was there at all. Surely his mere existence depended on her radiance alone.
    "I wanted to buy something," he blurted, "Some perfume … not for myself, obviously. I'm a guy, guys don't wear perfume. It’s a gift … not for my wife or girlfriend though. I don't have one of those," he clarified, looking down at her hands and taking note of the absence of a wedding band, "For my mother."
    The shop assistant was quick to hide her smirk and turned to Draco with a ready smile, teeth pearly white behind her luscious lips.
    "And is this gift for any particular reason?"
    "There are reasons to buy gifts?"

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