The Video Game Yaoi Challenge's Journal
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Wednesday, February 22nd, 2012

    Time Event
    Royal Flush; Irvine/Squall; FFVIII
    I figured I might as well start the ball rolling even though I'm a day late on top of all the extensions...

    Title: Royal Flush
    Fandom: Final Fantasy VIII
    Author: WinglessGryphon
    Rating: PG
    Disclaimer: I do not own them, Sam I Am
    Pairing: Irvine/Squall
    Warnings: None, other than a poker scene written by someone who's never played poker
    Challenge: [SCRAPS Round] Irvine/Squall - When strip poker goes too far. Bonus points if they're not drunk or couples before they play! [for [info]seraphjewel]

    "That should just about do it," Quistis said, flourishing the eyeliner pen as Selphie tilted her her and smiled at her reflection.

    Irvine looked at them from under the brim of his hat. "Finally. Quisty, how do you plan on getting everyone into position before eight? You'll need to clear everyone with the hotel security, and you still haven't told Squall and I where we'll..." he trailed off. "Don't tell me."

    "Sorry Irvine," said Selphie, "but Mr. Reilly didn't want somebody to see you two on the roof and connect the dots, so we had to nix the sniping plan." The two female SeeDs slunk towards the door, their sequined gowns glittering in the muted lamplight.

    Quistis gestured at Squall, who had fallen asleep sometime between the girls' blush and eyeshadow application, and said, "When he wakes up, tell him we went on to Plan B." She coaxed Zell out of his chair, straightened his bow-tie, and hauled him down to the casino.

    Selphie sat down on the bed next to the sniper. "I know you were excited about the five of us going on a mission together again--Squall said as much, too--"

    "I'm not sure about Squall, but when I said I wanted some action, I meant something else."

    "Well then, you, your insufferable charm, our gorgeous Commander, and a night in Deling City... Sounds like a winning combination," Selphie replied. The girl started when Quistis's impatient shout carried down the hallway. "Don't wait up."

    As the door clicked shut, Squall cautiously opened an eye. "Have they left yet?"

    "Yep. They've moved on to Plan B, leaving us to rot away in a dingy hotel room in the prime of our youth. On the bright side, we have two hundred channels and room service."

    Irvine sprawled across the bed and turned his attention to some grainy forensics show while Squall began work on the mission report, which would eventually find its way back to him in a mountain of paperwork at Balamb Garden. As missions went, this one could have been executed satisfactorily by a couple of female cadets willing to show some skin. However, Jared Reilly, their client and owner of the Lucky Reels hotel and casino, was willing to cough up double the Commander's salary to hire the most skilled SeeDs in the world. If they could kill a sorceress, they could surely dispose of an unwelcome guest without drawing suspicion upon his establishment.

    Zell, acting as their man on the inside, would pose as a dealer and stack the deck in the target's favor. With their target placated by a winning streak, Quistis and Selphie would move in, legs bared and dresses blazing. The girls had consented to be arm candy until they could lure the target away from the tables and into the final phase of the operation, where, in an alley far away from any security cameras, Quistis would slit his throat with a stiletto blade while Selphie rifled through his pockets. The police would file the scene away as a mugging gone wrong and Zell would smuggled the girls back to their room unseen.

    The pen fell from Squall's fingers as the SeeD finished the report. It had taken a paltry thirty minutes, and the rest of the evening stretched dismally before the two men. Irvine, meanwhile, had grown bored with the crime show and slowly flipped through the channels. His eyes followed the Commander as he sauntered from the desk to the second bed, where Squall stretched sensually before collapsing onto the comforter. Irvine looked away before Squall caught him staring.

    "Do you need a new blender?" the cowboy asked suddenly.

    "Do I...what?" Squall asked, raising an eyebrow, "no, never mind."

    Irvine turned the television off, sighing, "Well then, aside from watching infomercials there's nothing else to do unless...." He leaned up on his elbows. "Wanna play cards?"

    Before he could blink, Squall had pulled a pack of jewel-toned cards from seemingly nowhere and was spreading them out between the beds.

    Irvine joined him on the floor, but said, "Please, not Triple Triad, anything but that." He rummaged through a drawer until he found one of the casino's old decks. "Besides, you've already won all my good cards."

    "Fine," said Squall as he gathered up his cards. "What did you have in mind?"

    "Strip poker," the other man replied. He sent the Commander a cocky smirk, hoping it hid the nervousness he was feeling. After leaving Rinoa, Squall hadn't paid any notice to what Irvine considered obvious (and irresistible) come-ons. Selphie thought this was because Squall could see right through his ploys, but Irvine preferred to believe Squall was too busy sulking to realize he could have anyone he wanted, not just whiny, unappreciative girls. The cowboy prayed the whole thing wouldn't blow up in his face.

    Squall brushed his fingers across his scar as he considered the challenge. He'd known for a while that Irvine was interested in him, and though the other man was undeniably attractive, he hadn't wanted to start another relation when the ruins of his old one were still smoldering. Now, however, it couldn't hurt to see how the evening played out.

    "Sure, whatever," he said, and he almost instantly regretted it. In the first three hands, he lost his boots and bomber jacket. Irvine lost his hat when Squall played a paltry trio of nines. Squall glared over the tops of his cards at the growing black and white pile as he relinquished his socks. Irvine glared back as he shrugged off his coat, but when the other man failed to notice his lecherous wink, he knew the gloves would have to come off. Five hands later, they did, two pairs dropping onto the heap of boots and clothing.

    “Hey Squall~,” drawled Irvine, fanning out a full house, "fork over a belt or two."

    The Commander got to his feet and unbuckled his top belt. As it slid to the floor, Irvine rolled his eyes. "Oh come on, you could at least try to lose with a bit of flair. Like this," he said, and the temperature of the room became stifling. Squall blinked and Irvine's fingers hooked under his remaining belts. With a few skilled tugs, they slipped free of the belt loops, and the two men were finally on equal footing.

    Irvine whispered, "This should be the last hand," and he stepped back. The two of them had lost everything but their jeans--and Squall's Griever pendant, but that didn't count as clothing so much as a metallic limb. The cowboy grinned at the crimson flush slowly staining Squall's pale skin and he mirrored it.

    "A royal flush," he said, "in hearts." He looked up to see Squall peeling off his leather pants. His jaw dropped.

    After a while, Irvine hissed, "I think that counts as cheating. Also, I never pictured you as a briefs kind of guy."

    "Shut up," Squall said, muttering something else about the leather sticking in the heat.

    The other man shrugged. "Okay, now it's the last hand," Irvine replied, dealing the cards. They looked down at the prize pool and back up at each other. Irvine tossed his cards down.

    He crawled towards Squall, saying, "Unless you can beat four of a kind, I win."

    Squall tried to keep his distance and scooted back until he was pinned against the side of the bed. "I haven't even gotten to--mmph!" Irvine settled his mouth over Squall's, effectively silencing him. As he did so, he snuck a peek at the other man's hand. Two sevens wouldn't have saved him. Squall started to respond; he parted his lips and...nearly bit Irvine's tongue off when the door swung open.

    "Did ya miss us?" squealed Selphie, and she threw off her jacket to reveal a glistening trail of arterial spray soaking into the front of her dress. Quistis appeared to be in a similar state. It dawned on them that two men present weren't exactly decent, and they snickered.

    "I think it's obvious they didn't," added Quistis. They kept laughing, even after they were tossed back out into the hall and the door slammed shut behind them.

    Comments and criticisms are always welcome, even if you just want to tell me I've dishonored the community, the fandom, or my own family. You know, whatever.
    Fic - The First Signs of Growing Up - Final Fantasy VII
    Title: The First Signs of Growing Up
    Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
    Author: Sprink
    Rating: R
    Disclaimer: Standard disclaimers apply. Shipping, handling, and all other applicable taxes do not apply.
    Pairing: Denzel/himself, Cloud/Denzel
    Warnings: Shota, Masturbation, Shota again
    Challenge: Cloud/Denzel. In which Denzel acquires questionable reading material (yaoi manga, even), and Cloud stumbles upon said questionable reading material. Play it funny or angsty. Okay to age up Denzel. [for [info]misskalloway]
    Notes: Apologies to [info]misskalloway for this being probably way too short. I just... couldn't get anything more out of it, unfortunately.

    "Can I have it now, Cloud? Please? The new issue of WaspMan comes out today!"

    If there was one thing Cloud couldn't resist, it was a cute, hopping, begging Denzel. The blonde was happy the 13 year old boy had a hobby that didn't involve some of the things he heard the boy talking about his friends doing. It gave him something to look forward to every month.

    "Did you finish the dishes?" Cloud asked.


    "And if I ask Tifa if your room is clean? To her standards?" Cloud smiled.

    "Yes... and yes! Come on, Cloud. Please?"

    Cloud chuckled. He didn't remember being nearly that excitable as a kid, but then again, his childhood was quite a bit different from Denzel's. He reached into his pocket, pulling out 20 gil and handing it to the boy.

    "Thanks, Cloud!" Denzel cheered, glomping onto the blonde with all his might.

    "Don't spend it all in one place," Cloud said, winking at the boy. He knew full well the 20 gil wasn't going to last the hour, not with Denzel's affection for the insectoid superhero.

    "There is no stopping the Sting of Justice!" Denzel called, shouting the superhero's tag line as he ran out the door.

    When Denzel returned later that afternoon, he went directly up to his room instead of making his usual rounds about the bar. It was a little odd, but Cloud just played it off as Denzel's excitement over his newest comic book. However, when the boy didn't come down the instant he smelled dinner, Cloud got a little worried.

    "Denzel?" Cloud asked softly, knocking at the boy's door.

    When he received no response, Cloud peaked through the door frame's molding that had begun to move away from the door frame itself. That tiny hole allowed just enough view to see exactly what was going on in there.

    The boy was laying on his back on the bed, his pants and underwear pulled down to his knees. Cloud could see the movement of the boy's hand between those thighs, causing a stirring, unbidden, between his own. Denzel proved his age, his other hand coming to move between his legs as well, frantically reaching for that one rhythm, that one touch that would bring him to completion.

    Cloud couldn't be sure just how long Denzel had been at it, but he could see by the flush on the boy's face that it would not be long. For as much as the blonde wanted to look away... he couldn't. He couldn't break himself away from watching every minute detail, silently -- and almost surprisingly -- wishing he were the one causing Denzel's face to contort in a grimace of near climax.

    Watching the boy's mouth open and close in a few silent moments of perfect white, Cloud thought for a moment that his hearing had gone.

    Until the boy emitted a gasp that would have made the most devout priest harder than a piece of tempered steel. Cloud watched intently as semen splashed along the boy's abdomen, the elder man letting loose a groan that he had been holding back since first seeing the boy in such a state.

    Coughing slightly, Cloud turned quickly on his heels, needing to escape the immediate area in favour of a place to relieve the pressure that pushed against his pants.

    Perhaps it was time to speak with Denzel about the birds and the bees after all... and perhaps mention the bits about the bees and the bees as well.
    Fic - Coffee Break - Final Fantasy VII
    Title: Coffee Break
    Fandom: Final Fantasy VII
    Author: Sprink
    Rating: R
    Disclaimer: Standard disclaimers apply. Shipping, handling, and all other applicable taxes do not apply.
    Pairing: Numbered Clones/Other Numbered Clones
    Warnings: Alternate sexuality talk
    Challenge: The Numbered Clones of Nibelheim (4, 5, 11, 12). Keeping up that idiotic charade takes it's toll so break-time is always a delight. [for [info]animekittysama]
    Notes: Apologies to [info]animekittysama for this being probably way too short. I just... couldn't get anything more out of it, unfortunately.



    "Sephiroth is calling us."

    "We must attend Sephiroth's Reunion."

    The first cloaked speaker took a quick glance at his watch. "Hey, Number 5. Smoke break."

    The second speaker, the ambiguously named Number 5, smirked. "So that's what they're calling it now, eh?"

    "Perv," the third speaker accused with a smile hidden behind a hood.

    "You're just as bad, you and Number 12," the fourth chimed in.

    "You're just jealous, Number 4," the first speaker told the fourth.

    The remaining, yet to be called by his number, third speaker, spoke again. "So, are we breaking or not?"

    "You just want to spend some 'quality time' with Number 12, Number 11," Number 5 said.

    "What's so bad about that?" Number 11 whined.

    "Just the fact that you're both obnoxiously loud... and keep crying out Sephiroth's name when you get off," Number 4 offhandedly commented.

    "Do not."

    "Do too."

    "Do not."

    "Are you two going to spend all break arguing?" Number 5 asked.

    Number 12 looked at his watch, then sighed. "Looks like it. There's only two minutes left, and I would like that smoke break."

    "And a drink," Number 4 added. "I almost couldn't praise Jenova or the Reunion with the cotton mouth I have."

    "Smoking that 'wacky tobaccy' again?" Number 11 teased.

    "You wish," Number 4 replied. "It's the only way you'll get me involved in another threesome with you and Number 12."

    "Hey! That was fun, okay!?!" Number 12 protested quite loudly.

    "Who's genius idea was it to break out the three-pronged dildo?" Number 4 accused.

    "Hey, it worked! ... After a few minutes."

    Number 4 just shook his head in response.

    "You're just jealous that we didn't ask you to do it again... yet."

    "Oh come on. Like I would want to associate with you pervs."

    "Look who's talking," Number 11 accused, knowing full well that the perviest of the clones was, indeed, Number 4.

    "Materia anal beads are a perfectly normal part of everyone's sex life," Number 4 replied with a know-it-all tone. "And if they aren't, then they should be."

    "Just because you like getting burnt, shocked and frozen in the ass doesn't mean the rest of us do," Number 11 returned. "We're the normal ones."

    Number 12 cocked his head. "Since when was trying to orchestrate the Reunion into an anal sex conga line considered normal?"

    Suddenly, Number 5 sighed. "Looks like we did spend all break arguing." He turned to Number 11. "We still on for later?"

    Number 11 nodded, moving himself back into his chosen place.

    "Good... I want to hear more about this three-pronged dildo..."

    "Shut up."



    "Sephiroth is calling us."

    "We must attend Sephiroth's Reunion."

    "I still want to hear more of this three-pronged dildo."

    The pairs of eyes rolled.

    "At the next break I'll show it to you."
    [Claim Post] 3.1 Quickplay!
    Here are the requests for Round 3.1 [Quickplay!]:

    ~ Fics due March 31st
    ~ Minimum 200 Words
    ~ No more than 1 claim per author/artist at a time. Finish one, claim another.
    ~ Claim in the comments to this post
    ~ Each request may be claimed once for fic, once for art
    ~ If you see errors, please let me know immediately.

    ~ Please continue to tag your fics when you post! If there's a tag missing, don't worry. I've been trying to keep up on tag creation and will be sure to make whatever you need!

    Castlevania - Trevor/Alucard - never enough time [for [info]gardensgnome] [claimed by [info]elmina]

    Devil May Cry 3, Dante/Virgil, chain reaction. [for [info]solitaryjane]

    Devil May Cry 4 - Dante/Nero - Nero's nearly Vergil, isn't he? Dante's going to have some connection to that - explore! (Mentions of past Vergil/Dante obviously necessary.) [for [info]ruby_shards]

    DMC4 - Dante and Nero - gun shopping [for [info]lntora]

    Final Fantasy 7 - Cloud/Vincent - putting him to sleep [for [info]kunenk] [claimed by [info]solitaryjane]

    FFX-2, Gippal/Baralai, Besaid beach and a runaway dog. [for [info]solitaryjane]

    Final Fantasy Tactics - Delita/Algus(Argath) - so soft [for [info]fromherashes]

    Final Fantasy Tactics - Delita/Ramza - armor [for [info]elmina] [claimed by [info]nagaina_ryuuoh]

    Hotel Dusk - Kyle and Louie - detangler [for [info]lntora]

    Kingdom Hearts 2 - Demyx/Sora - "Am I ever going to see your face again?"/repeated sightings [for [info]kunenk]

    Kingdom Hearts 2 - blondie!Ansem/Xehanort or Xenmas or whatever his name was - SCIENCE! (okay, so I'm not a big KH fan, but this would be cool to see) [for [info]marsdragon]

    Shining Tears - (anything, seriously, please just make Shining Tears fic exist) [for [info]misskalloway]

    Star Ocean 3 - Cliff/Fate - an unexpected bit of silence [for [info]misskalloway]

    Suikoden II - Miklotov/Camus - guard duty [for [info]ladyharken]

    Suikoden 2 - Tir/Riou - distraction factor of playing games against a team that is full of bish who have no shirts on [for [info]gardensgnome]

    Super Robot Wars - Ryusei/Rai - taking the lead [for [info]marsdragon] [claimed by [info]ladyharken]

    Tales of the Abyss - Peony/Jade - working too much [for [info]ladyharken]

    Wild Arms - Jack/Rudy - during a storm [for [info]elmina]

    World of Warcraft - OMC/OMC (unless someone can find a cannon way to do this?) - to a paladin, something like this was sacrilege -- where the "something" in question is NOT sex. [for [info]fromherashes] [claimed by [info]the__ivorytower]
    [Ficlet] The Talk (FFVIII, Laguna/Squall)
    Title: The Talk
    Fandom: Final Fantasy VIII
    Rating: AA?
    Characters/Pairing: Laguna/Squall
    Info: For a very old [info]video_game_yaoi challenge prompt - 'Laguna tries to make up for lost time by giving his son 'the talk'. For [info]gardensgnome. This ended up far more silly than anything else. ^^;;

    "So... did they cover more practical information at Garden?" Laguna questioned. Once he'd asked and taken in the utterly confused expression on Squall's face, he knew that either they'd skipped that entirely - or he had phrased that rather badly.

    He hoped for the latter. He really hoped it was the latter, otherwise...

    "Like what?" Squall questioned, staring at Laguna. "Our educations were quite thorough and there electives not involving warfare or weapons-handling. Seifer may actually have taken Home-Ec."

    Laguna frowned. "You didn't?"

    "No..." Squall shifted. "Took an automotive repair class then, and... can't remember the rest."

    He didn't look too worried about that, which always upset Laguna far more than it did Squall. Squall always seemed to shrug off the holes in his memory as if it was perfectly natural. But, Laguna supposed, to him, it was.

    "Oh... that's not quite what I meant, though," Laguna admitted after a long moment. "More like... a health-related class?"

    "How to set bones while on missions and patch up just about anything?" Squall seemed to be getting annoyed by the line of questioning. "Laguna, what does this have to do with anything?"

    "I'm going to get a drink," Laguna replied almost too-abruptly. Enough that Squall frowned and looked almost like he wanted to say something. This wasn't going well at all, not that he'd expected it too. He really wasn't the person to be talking to Squall about this sort of thing anyway. There were just too many reasons why it was just not the right thing to be doing.

    But Squall was his... well, he needed to make sure Squall knew all the important stuff, at least. It was just a lot harder to ask about it than he thought it would be.

    "I'll get drinks," Squall said with a little headshake. Maybe he'd noticed the little twitches that Laguna knew he was making. Maybe he knew that either way, Laguna just needed to relax and think of a way to rephrase his question.

    Once Squall was out of the room, Laguna leaned back and thought maybe he'd just call Selphie and ask her. It would be easier. Talking about this sort of stuff with Squall just didn't work well. Talking about anything with Squall, honestly, didn't usually work well. Yet... in the end, they worked well together, even if Squall would never admit it.

    And they...

    It wasn't water that Squall brought back. And there was a bit of a glint in Squall's eyes that said he knew that maybe Laguna needed a little liquid courage.

    "Thanks," Laguna said softly. He drank.

    "Whatever," Squall replied. He looked to have something a little less toxic. "So what are you trying to ask about, anyway?"

    "Mmm." Laguna set his empty glass on a nearby table. "When I was young, I think it was called 'the birds and the behemoths'..."

    Squall choked on his own drink, which Laguna really hoped wasn't anything alcoholic or fizzy in any way. At least it didn't come out his nose. But this was Squall, and things like that probably never happened to him.


    "Well, traditionally I should be the one talking to you about..."

    "Laguna..." It was more of a warning this time.

    "It's important that you know..."


    Laguna blinked a couple of times. He thought he was finally getting somewhere with the conversation.

    "Shut up and go to sleep."

    Sighing, Laguna reached to turn out the bedside table lamp, knocking over his empty glass in the process. He heard it thump, unharmed, on the carpet. He also heard Squall sigh. And then Squall settled a bit closer anyway, in an indication that 'go to sleep' may not have been literal.

    Squall probably knew all he needed to know, anyway.

    Final Due Date + Forgiveness!
    You know everything you might be working on that's totally overdue or you just lost the motivation, inspiration and everything else?

    It's okay.

    You have two options:

    • Your final due date is August 31st. It's a Sunday.

    • You're totally forgiven. It's okay. All old prompts are officially purged as of August 31st.

    What does this mean for [info]video_game_yaoi?

    • We're going to follow a slightly simpler format that I've seen work really well for other communities, where prompts are gathered for a week, there's a week of viewing, then a week of madly writing and posting, then a week off! Or something similar. Prompts may be written more than once or not at all, but hopefully everyone has fun.


    (get writing?)
    [Fic] Transfusion - FF7
    Title: Transfusion
    Fandom: FF7
    Author: [info]solitaryjane 
    Rating: PG
    Disclaimer: Square-Enix owns all the concepts and characters and setting, etc. I own the story and the words.
    Pairing: Vincent/Cloud
    Warnings: None
    Challenge: Putting him to sleep [for [info]kunenk]
    A/N: An hour late. Oops. Um, the story kinda veered off of the prompt. Blame my intruding plot. And because of the said plot, the story is also 1,300 words long, exactly. Also, I kinda had fun with biology, so let's just assume Mako-people don't care if their blood types don't match during a transfusion . . .


    He opened his eyes and only saw white.

    He closed them again, the spot remained for a second behind his lids, then dissolved back into darkness. He tried opening them the second time, and found himself successfully staring at a dark grey ceiling. He couldn’t remember how he got here or where “here” was, exactly, but a strange yet oddly familiar smell in the air was trying hard to jog his memory. He sniffed, didn’t recognize it, and took in a deeper breath.

    The subsequent pain was unexpected and fierce, spreading from the hollow of his throat all the way to his navel. He gasped as it hit and the act only compounded it, choking off his breath and sending another wave throughout his body.

    “Try hold your breath in and let the air out slowly,” someone said close by. It would’ve startled him if it weren’t familiar enough that even in this state he recognized the speaker. Vincent closed his eyes, forcing his body to relax. He did what he was told, and found the pain starring to diminish and ebb way, just enough to convince him that the method was working.

    When the pain was nothing more than a dull ache inside his chest, Vincent opened his eyes again. He saw the light-colored hair and the telltale spikes, and a hint of a relieved smile began to form on his lips. Cloud’s presence seemed to ground him some. The realization that he still remembered whom Cloud was grounded him more.

    “Better?” Cloud asked, reaching over to light the stump of a candle on the bedside table.

    Vincent just noticed it was still night outside, although judging from the windows across the room dawn was not far off.

    “Where am I?” Vincent croaked, his throat felt as dry as sand.


    That explained the candles, the wooden-framed windows, and that smell, Vincent concluded. “What happened?”

    “You got hurt,” Cloud replied calmly. A tad too calm for Vincent’s liking. “We all got hurt, but you . . . nearly didn’t make it. It’s fine now.”

    Liar, Vincent immediately thought. Cloud moved, picking up the glass of water already set on the nightstand and handed it to Vincent. Vincent drank greedily. When he was done he shifted a little, just enough to look at Cloud directly in the eye, and asked: “How?”

    Cloud didn’t answer but kept Vincent’s gaze. One of his hands twitched, once, and Vincent deepened his scowl.

    “How?” he asked again, unrelenting.

    A minute later Cloud let out a sigh, and started talking. It had started out as a routine monster hunt, because the children had wanted to go to Gold Saucer but they were short on gil. Yuffie had said that there was a cave not far off with tough monsters that gave money in the thousands. Tifa, Cloud, and Vincent made up the team, with Yuffie as the guide. Unfortunately the quartet got lost around the bend of a river, and Yuffie suggested going up a nearby hill to find their location.

    They were halfway up the slope when the monsters hit – flying creatures that breathed poison and fast mountain-climbers with whip-like tails. They were surrounded in minutes. The monsters tore into their skin and clogged their vision with green fogs. In the end it was Vincent’s berserked Limit that sent the creatures scattering, giving the team a very narrow escape.

    Except afterwards they couldn’t stop Vincent’s bleeding.

    Nothing worked. The creatures had tore open Vincent’s chest and his old scars, leaving his flesh ripped and bare. The Cures couldn’t mend fast enough and Life was burnt out. Tifa was frantic and told Yuffie to run for help, in which the ninja girl took off immediately. Cloud was digging through all of their supplies, hoping against hope that somewhere in there had left a single phoenix down.

    There wasn’t.

    Cloud stopped talking. Vincent swallowed, feeling slightly uncomfortable. It was one thing to hear how he was hurt and quite another when he started to remember, minutely, the sensations while he was lying on that mountain slope. He looked at Cloud and saw that the blond’s face was as pale as ashes and his mouth was set straight and hard.

    “Then what?” Vincent asked tentatively. As difficult as it was, for the both of them, he still wanted, needed, to know.

    “After a while we managed to stop most of the bleeding with remedies and elixirs.” Cloud said, so soft that Vincent had to strain to hear him. “But Tifa said you’d lost too much, and wouldn’t last on your way back. You needed some blood in you, but you were unconscious and couldn’t . . . transform. Luckily we still had a full med kit on us, so we thrown some needles and rubber tubes together. We didn’t know if it was going to work, or if we were too late already. But you were dying! We didn’t know what else to do . . .”

    Cloud trailed off again, focusing on the joints of his knuckles and avoiding Vincent’s incredulous stare. Vincent couldn’t believe his ears – he was truly dying? He, brought back to life and filled with demons and Mako, was capable of dying? Not only that, but he still needed the blood in his body to sustain his seemingly unnatural life. Vincent didn’t trust this – perhaps it was simply a quick judgment under duress. But he had known Cloud for years, and through their past experience he didn’t think that mere adrenaline and fear could cloud that much of the blond’s judgment. Vincent Valentine was not immortal after all.

    He didn’t know how to react to that, or even figure out what that really meant at this moment. So he resorted to a logical, follow-up question: “Whose is it?”

    Cloud looked up and met his eyes. The tightly-pressed mouth loosened to a small smile, and the relief on Cloud’s face was ever visible.

    “Mine,” Cloud said, matter-of-fact.

    Because of the Mako, Vincent finished silently. Cloud Strife’s blood flows in my veins. Because of him, I am still here, alive. Breathing. I am still human, because I nearly died.

    The runaway thoughts must have showed in his expression, for a moment later Vincent noticed that Cloud was staring at him with concern on his face. Vincent shook his head to clear it. He reached out to the blond, who didn’t flitch out of reflex but let Vincent’s cold fingers trace the equally cold skin along his jaw, the warmer pulse on his neck. Vincent pulled gently, and Cloud followed his gesture without protest, climbing onto the bed and settled alongside Vincent’s heavily bandaged torso.

    Later he would ask Tifa the details, and she would tell him about how Cloud shook his unconscious form and repeatedly screamed his name. About how she was so shocked at the sight and nearly dropped their only glass syringe down the rocky slope. Tifa would also tell him about the eerie quietness that surrounded them while Cloud’s Mako-infused lifeblood was pouring into Vincent, and the mountain’s silence was frightening but the calm and empty expression on Cloud’s face was worse. He would ask about all of these later, but at the current moment Vincent was content with Cloud’s warmth next to him and the spiky blond hair poking the underside of his jaw. Cloud’s breathing was quickly becoming even – the blond was beyond exhausted – and Vincent wondered momentarily how this was going to pan out in the morning.

    But morning seemed so far away. Vincent wrapped his arm tighter around Cloud and left a kiss between the blond eyebrows. Cloud didn’t stir. Vincent smiled, briefly, then closed his eyes. Behind his lids he saw nothing but a shifting darkness, and the faint scent of cherry blossoms filled his nose.

    [fic] Ashes to Ashes -- Warcraft
    Easily done, I've got 40 years of lore and paladins seeing terrible shit to work with.

    Title: Ashes to Ashes
    Author: Kelriia Frettlar [info]the__ivorytower
    Fandom: Warcraft
    Request: World of Warcraft - OMC/OMC (unless someone can find a canon way to do this?) - to a paladin, something like this was sacrilege -- where the "something" in question is NOT sex. [for fromherashes]
    Pairing: Implied Llane Wrynn/Anduin Lothar
    Setting: Middle/End Warcraft II
    Disclaimer: Warcraft is not mine. Blizzard owns it. I just run in randomly and play battle-chess once a week.
    Warnings: Death, implied yaoi. It *is* Warcraft, after all.
    Summary: When he got to the Burning Steppes, Anduin Lothar realized he would die here.

    The moment he got to the Burning Steppes, Anduin Lothar realized he would die here. His horse stomped, impatiently, kicking up clouds of dust and ashes.

    Ah, Llane. I'll see you soon, Lothar thought to himself. He saw Turelyon gallop up, bringing with him the latest news from the Horde. As he listened, it seemed as if all sound left him, and Turelyon's mouth moved, but he could hear nothing but the sound of his own heart, his own harsh breathing.

    "Sir?" Turelyon asked, his voice gruff. "What are your thoughts?"

    "When I die, I want my statue to be there." He pointed, just to the ridge. "Have me pointing at the volcano. I always want to challenge them." He raised his eyebrows at the expression of sheer horror on Turelyon's face. To the paladin, to discuss so openly his death and defeat would have seemed like a sacrilege, not something to be spoken of so casually.

    "You won't die here," Turelyon managed finally. "Sir... I..."

    "I've seen it," Lothar said quietly. "It's my time. We won't lose to the orcs, not now, but I will fall. Make sure they build the statue."

    "I..." Turelyon looked troubled, but he nodded. "As you command, my lord."

    Anduin clapped his hand on Turelyon's shoulder. "Come on, then. We have a Horde to drive out."

    ~ * ~

    The world tasted of ash. Lothar eyed his opponent, watching the muscles in his arms, anticipating the next swing. His sword flashed, bringing it up to parry, when the hammer swung in an unanticipated direction, and it crashed into his side, already bleeding freely. He cried out, falling to his knees. He held his sword, watching as the orc's mouth moved and no sound came out.

    In his mind's eye, he saw Llane. His Llane, Stormwind's Llane. His king, his best friend, his lover of too many years to count.

    "Told... die here," he gasped. The orc, watching him impassively, and brought the hammer down for a final, fatal strike. He could feel Turelyon's eyes on him, he heard his second's anguished cry. They would push the orcs out. He would just need to die to accomplish that.

    As far as he was concerned, that was just fine.


    [Fic] "Inspiration", Super Robot Wars [Round Quickplay!]
    Title: Inspiration
    Fandom: Super Robot Wars Original Generations
    Author: Lady Harken
    Rating: R
    Disclaimer: Banpresto owns things, I wrote this for the lulz.
    Pairing: Ryusei/Rai
    Warnings: Kind of porn?
    For: Super Robot Wars - Ryusei/Rai - taking the lead [for [info]marsdragon]
    Challenge: Round 3.1 - Quickplay!

    Sometimes, or all the time if anyone asked Rai's opinion, Ryusei seemed to be far too happy to run into battle without thinking. That's how Ryusei was, straight into business, tactfulness be damned. It was the younger man's being - and it quite reflected how sex was when Ryusei happened to get it into his head that he wanted to top.

    Ryusei's choice of music wasn't something Rai, being the calmer one of the two, was too much into either. It was something loud with lots of yelling, and Rai didn't get it - outside the fact that he was sure it was something robot related.

    "You know," Rai said, pausing to attempt to sound indifferent about what they were currently doing. He actually had to struggle to keep his voice calm, but he pulled it off well enough. "Just wondering, do you really have to have that music on? What, are you afraid someone will hear us or something? I don't make that much noise during sex. Well, can't say the same about you, but..."

    Ryusei, currently lying on top of the older SRX team member, stopped what he was doing and gave Rai a glare. "Hey! I don't make noise!" He said, frowning. "And is this really the time to start a conversation about my music? I'm kind of, you know?"

    "Doing me, yes I know, hard to not notice," Rai replied. "Also you do make noise. You'd think yelling attack names when piloting a mech is enough, but this..."

    "Whatever," the younger man muttered, taking a deep breath before resuming movement. "Fine, and you got something against my music?"

    Rai gritted his teeth to keep himself calm. If there were any good points about his teammate's hotbloodedness during sex, it was the fact that it felt great. "Just... What is this, anyway? Sounds like... hell if I know, but it's getting on my nerves."

    "It's old mecha show opening themes!" Ryusei explained, grinning widely. "Awesome and inspiring, isn't it?"

    There were times, if not half the time, when Rai wanted to punch his partner. Considering his position, though, he decided against it; having a casual conversation was becoming rather difficult. He closed his eyes and concentrated on the pleasure, deciding to ignore the damned music. Of course it would be Ryusei's style to find mecha anime music "awesome" during sex.

    If Ryusei was going to yell any super robot things when finishing, that was when Rai would punch him, he decided.
    Fic - End - Castlevania
    Title: End
    Fandom: Castlevania 3: Dracula's Curse
    Author: Elmina
    Rating: PG
    Disclaimer: Characters not mine, fanwork, Castlevania belongs to Konami etc.
    Pairing: Trevor/Alucard
    Warnings: None
    For: Castlevania - Trevor/Alucard - never enough time [for [info]gardensgnome]
    Challenge: Round 3.1 - Quickplay!

    The sun was about to reach its peak in the sky, and though the sunlight didn't actually bother him, Alucard had to shield his eyes if he wanted to look at the forest to the south of the cliffs. The area was hopelessly empty, and he wondered if there would be any life around anytime soon. Grant was apparently planning on staying but otherwise there was no way of telling if people were going to come and live here again.

    Why would anyone want to live here in the first place, he pondered, looking at his wrecked surroundings. The area would regain its former beauty eventually, but right now he didn't think anyone would be willing to come anywhere close to the place. Although the castle was gone along with most of the monsters, the whole area was gloomy.

    If only I could have stopped him earlier.

    His thoughts were interrupted by someone walking towards him, and he turned, not that he didn't know who it was anyway. Telling his three companions apart from the sound of their footsteps was quite easy.

    "Here again?" Trevor inquired and glanced around. "Thinking about him, am I correct?"

    "I could not do anything," Alucard told him. "It was too late when I realized what he was doing. He was blinded by revenge, and..." He went quiet for a moment. "So many lives wasted because of my father, and the only way I could stop him was..."

    Trevor patted his shoulder. "You didn't have a choice."

    "I should have had one, but by the time I chose to oppose him, it was too late." Alucard closed his eyes. "Even when we... But he would not listen to me." He lowered his head and sighed. "I should have realized sooner."

    There was a moment of silence, and then Trevor touched the dhampir's face lightly. "You cannot blame yourself for something that's beyond one man's control," he said. "Thinking is not going to make it better."

    Alucard opened his eyes and gave the other man a faint smile. "Yes... Perhaps you are right. Thank you, Trevor."

    "You're welcome." The Belmont stepped back and looked at the sky. "So, coming?" He asked. "It's lunchtime, and Grant was saying something about fish. Sounds good to me."

    "All right," Alucard replied with a nod, and turned to take a look at the castle. "I will be right there."

    Maybe Trevor was right about things being beyond his control. Chances were, there was nothing he could have ever done to stop his father before it was too late, but he couldn't help but wonder anyway if there had been a moment that could have made a difference.

    But even if there had been such a moment, time had never been on his side.
    Fic: seeing is believing, SO3, Cliff/Lias, pg13-ish
    Title: seeing is believing
    Fandom: Star Ocean 3
    Author: [info]gardensgnome
    Rating: PG-13
    Disclaimer: definitely not mine otherwise Lias and Mackwell would be part of the battle party
    Pairing: pre-Cliff/Lias
    Count: 442.
    Warnings: none really. vices of gambling and is set in a pub after all :)
    For: Cliff/Lias. Men who work with metal. [info]misskalloway
    Round: round 9

    Cliff didn’t know why he was surprised that Lias drank. After all they had found him in a back section of a bar dragging his hammer around as if waiting for something or someone. He blamed the glasses. They made Lias look slightly vulnerable and as Cliff got to know the younger man better he was learning that looks can be very deceiving.

    Like right at this moment. Lias, drinking in the rowdiest bar in town, gambling on arm-wrestling. Cliff had seen him wield a massive hammer with ease. The locals didn’t stand a chance.

    “Cliff, join us,” Lias’ voice called to him over the loud chatter when he turned towards the bar, hand wrapped around a delicate looking glass gesturing to the empty seat across the table. The sleeves of his tunic were bunched up to his shoulders which did look strange but with his skin glowing in the lamplight, Lias looked rather comfortable.

    Cheers erupted and betting began anew as Cliff sat down in the chair and took Lias’ glass and drank the contents.

    “Damn, that’s strong stuff,” he hissed as the burn of pure alcohol slid down his throat and warmed his gut.

    “A drink for my friend,” Lias demanded.

    “Beer,” Cliff called quickly as a serving boy hurried to fill the order.

    “So soft, Cliff,” Lias murmured, his look almost coy and teasing as he eased his arm into position for their match.

    The calls above their heads continued, last bets placed as Cliff grasped Lias’ hand and settled better into his chair.

    “Nah, I like to ease into things. I’ll have something harder a little later.”

    “Oh I’m sure you will.”

    Blinking at what sounded like a come on, Cliff stared at Lias as a hand was placed on top of theirs and called for them to be ready. He didn’t use his full Klausian strength, but a little more than he normally would considering he’d watched Lias work to make great hunks of metal into weapons and the like.

    “Plus I can control my strength better while still sober,” he said as they were ordered to begin. He watched Lias‘ skin shift as muscles strained beautifully. “After a few too many, and I mean many, it’s a different matter.”

    Lias smiled as Cliff’s hand hit the table with a loud thud. There was silence for a moment and then the room was once again full of cheers.

    “That won’t be a problem at all, Cliff,” Lias smiled as he accepted their drinks and passed Cliff his beer. “Your strength is just what I’m looking for.”

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