That Katie's Journal
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Thursday, June 23rd, 2011

    Time Event
    Pika Pika - The first obligatory post
    Contrary to popular belief, I am not a kid with a computer but instead an artist/educator, wife, and mother who has a penchant for nerdy things which includes the pikachu pictured above. 

    So hi everyone, I'm Katie or as people usually go "Oh that Katie!" 

    Yes people I am that Katie.  

    So what is this blog about? Its about everything, especially my art, life, obsessions with particular types of food, toys, and all things nerdy. I love posting high art doodles, thrift store gems, and sometimes an obligatory fashion post. So that is basically a smidgen of what will happen around here so join the party and I promise no one will try to slip something into your drink.

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