Cool, Clear Nights' Journal
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Tuesday, October 10th, 2023

    Time Event
    Oh Boredom~
    I got the quiz site from theash and just kinda went crazy with it... :D

    Oh Jesus...
    Comment and I'll give you a letter. then you have to list ten things you love that begin with that letter. Post your responses in your journal and give some letters of your own.

    amelia_seyroon gave me the letter 'J', which is ridiculously hard for me! XD

    1. JOHNNY DEPP!!! <3 <3 <3
    2. Japan!
    3. Japanese food
    4. Japanese language
    5. Japanese tomodachis
    6. Japanese anime
    7. Joe Hisaishi's music
    8. Jellyfish, they're so squishy! <3
    9. Juice, most any kind
    10. Jewelery, it's a subtle, but definite love
    I want to marry a Giant.

    Is that so much to ask?


    Opening Day in 4 days. So gonna be there.
    Oh dear Lord, writing!
    So...this popped into my head today between classes and I couldn't stop it until it all came out. This is the first time that I've written anything about the Brothers Winchester, so please be gentle. It's not even 500 words, so just a little sentimental peek at the boys lives with a slight hint of delicious Wincest.

    Title: Remember
    Author: tashi_chan
    Rating: G
    Fandom: Supernatural
    Warnings: An extremely small smidgen of Wincest

    Summary: It's those little things that let us know our family will always be with us
    A/N: 435 word drabble for fun that was unbeta'd, don't knock it

    If you asked Samuel Winchester when things had gone awry in his life, he would tell you that they had always been fucked up. Those were his only memories, all that he had grown up with. He couldnt remember his mothers soft crooning, his fathers weary shuffle and mumbled whispers of comfort, or the fiercely protective green gaze of his older brother over the rail of his crib. Yet all of these things unknowingly stayed in Sams life, bringing automatic and unconscious comfort to him even in the middle of ass-crack nowhere.

    Deans gaze was still just as piercing and protective, but now there was more in those fierce depths; respect, sympathy, love, and something darker that made Sams stomach leap to his throat and his cheeks to flush hot.

    Coming back to dingy motel rooms after a hunt only made the weight of the brothers weariness that much more prominent. Sam would collapse onto his bed immediately seeking sleep, but it was only after listening to Deans weary shuffle back to his own bed and the whispered Night Sammy, that he could fall into a dreamless sleep.

    The last of Sams unconscious comfort triggers happened far less frequently than the other two, but it was the one that was by far the most effective. The nightmares still came, not as often, but no less disturbing, and would always manage to make the youngest Winchester writhe and moan, bathed in a panicked sweat and trapped in a world he could never seem to escape. Then out of the darkness would come a sound, starting quietly, almost like an illusion, but it continued to grow louder and stronger until the demon wrapped around Sams mind hissed angrily and receded back into the darkness muttering curses. That song did not stop then though, it continued slowly and soothingly, holding Sam entranced in its velvety croons like a pair of strong, protective arms. When the voice sang that song, familiar, yet different enough that his mind was unable to pinpoint it, Sam would sleep better than on any other night.

    Dean watched his little brother sleep soundly and dreamlessly in his arms and a picture of a chubby-cheeked, 6 month old would flash through his mind. Dean remembered the soft lullaby his mother sang, the way his father walked down the hall grumbling even though he smiled as he shushed his youngest son, and most of all, the promise he made himself to protect that screaming, red-faced thing that was his brother. Dean remembered, and he would ensure that Sam did too, whether he knew it or not.
    Why So Serious?
    Bwahaha!!! Stolen from ladygith and it's amazing!

    LiveJournal Username
    Of these, who is the best Batman villain?
    Age Range
    Your chances of going perma-crazy:
    Your chances of being run over by the Batmobile (Mr. Wayne extends his deepest sympathies):
    Your chances of turning into a new villain by the name of Skippy Slimeface:
    The person most likely to weep at your fate:ciceqi
    The person most likely to LAUGH at your fate:asieluniversity
    The person most likely to save you from any such fate:terredancer
    This Fun Quiz created by Rima at BlogQuiz.Net
    Aries Horoscope at DailyHoroscopes.Biz

    Fanime 2010!
    So Fanime this year went swimmingly! We went Friday-Sunday and did some group costumes and some classics, and overall had a great time! My costumes for the con were Kakashi and a Hunter from Left 4 Dead. Envy was going to happen but I'm missing a few pieces, and the funds for Sailor Star Healer ran out, so that at least gives me a goal for the summer. ^^

    So without further ado~ the photos!



    My friends as Peach and Daisy!


    Gai-sensei and I! This man is AMAZING, comes down from Washington for Fanime. ^^ Best Gai EVER.

    This is me, with 'Kashi-bear, who took my place at the Naruto gathering because I was late v.v










    And last, but not least...


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