Dare to Be Stupid's Journal
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Tuesday, March 13th, 2018

    Time Event
    The passing of the great Christopher Lee
    When I told my husband, he said, "He can't die, he's Dracula."

    I've known his work all my life. Long before others discovered him as Saruman in "The Lord of the Rings" I knew him as Dracula, and Scaramanda in the James Bond movies, and Sherlock Holmes. He had one of those voices that made me swoon, and I could recognize it anywhere.

    Here is his obituary. I would love to see the movie on Pakistan in which he played Jinna.

    He was 93, which is a good age, but I will still miss him. May you thrive and see old friends and make new movies in the Summerlands, Sir Christopher Lee.

    The man with his knighthood.

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