Southern_Hope's Journal
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Thursday, October 19th, 2023

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    so yeah. Here's my thoughts.
    For. Fuck's. SAKE, John.


    This has already been a shitty week all around for me, and I'm just not gonna go into it all here, but:

    All y'all that feel you can no longer in good faith stay in this community, I don't blame you, and I wish you peace on the journey.

    I'm back to waffling over "keep it or delete it" WRT this community... I'd put it up to a vote if I thought anyone really cared at this point.

    The only thing I'd like for you all to do is remember what One America stood for, and keep in mind that those ideas still need to move forward - eliminating poverty, universal health care, making sure no one goes to bed hungry or homeless... all of that -- still valid causes.

    We can move on without the man if need be, and I encourage everyone to do so.


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