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Tuesday, August 14th, 2018

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    HaBO: Rattling Door Gives Them Away

    This HaBO request is from Anonymous and they’re looking for a Regency romance:

    I read this book in the last year and I cannot for the life of me figure out what it was!

    It’s a Regency; I doubt it’s more than 10 years old.

    The scene I remember is a sex scene where they end up against a door in the main part of the house and the door rattles. There are other people in the house at the time that take this as a sign that the hero has reformed and must actually be into the heroine. I remember the heroine had long hair that the hero finds super sexy. I think the general story is about a couple who end up married for convenience reasons and then figure out how to love each other along the way, because those are my favourite, but I could be totally wrong.

    Who knows this one?

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