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Tuesday, October 3rd, 2017

    Time Event
    When the Plum Blossoms Bloom Chapter 16
    Author: gixi_ninja
    Fandom: Original, sequel to Under the Dragon's Claw
    Rating: NC-17/Explicit
    Chapter: 15
    Pairings: M/M
    Contains: slavery, hurt/comfort, action/adventure, politics, references to past torture.
    Beta: Avoliot
    Warnings: This is loosely set in a historical-AU Ancient China. There may be references to classical texts and historical events but timelines may be scrambled.
    Feedback: Yes please!
    Shun and Lan journey back to Yangnan to find Shun's mother and then to disappear from the entanglements of the court of Jin. However, forces are already in work against them and they may already be in too deep in the politics of Jin. Why did the Grand Duke keep Lan alive? Why was Shun targeted? Will they be able to survive the events that are about to unfold?

    Chapter 16

    Please note this is an AO3 link. LJ is no longer allowing me to put up large text posts so am posting everything to AO3 now.

    Also, does anyone have any objections to me deleting my ninja_scrawl LJ? UDC and PBB are both posted to AO3. There are fics up on my ninja_scrawl comm LJ that I wrote when I was much younger and am no longer happy with - and I don't think there are as many regular readers on this LJ.

    Please let me know! 

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