Silent Hill's Journal
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Tuesday, October 10th, 2023

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    Silent Hill: Downpour Review
    Hello! I did a very brief, concise review of Silent Hill Downpour. It's got mild spoilers, but for the most part I tried to stay away from them. It's not very in depth, so if you have any questions reagrding aspects of the game that I may not have covered, feel free to ask. :D


    (NOTE: EDITED because I forgot to actually discuss whether or not the game met the standards of horror that the previous games have set. Thank you ashmodai!)
    Silent Hill 2 (PC) Already In HD?
    I recently found the following quote, in a YouTube video I was watching:

    "HD" is not a video standard. The only requirement that must be met for video to be considered "HD" is a pixel resolution of 1280x720 or 1920x1080. Run SH2 at 720 verticle pixels or higher, POW! HD Silent Hill!"

    Anyway I decided since I have a new laptop, why don't I try this out, I can't say I was disappointed, although whilst playing the game, I did happen to encounter a few problems with the main, “Letter from Silent Heaven” scenario around the appartment block chapter. I found that the game was prone to freezing as well as once recieving a “Blue Screen of Death” error message, although this is most likely a problem with my computer set-up? Although I have played through the first section of the sub-scenario “Born from a Wish” with the new settings, which have caused no problems.

    A few screenshots:

    [AD] vgames_stamps

    vgames_stamps is a rating community that focuses on any and every video game that members want a stamp for! We have themes that people of this community would be interested in: there's already a Silent Hill theme up for October, plus we have themes for Left 4 Dead and Resident Evil! So if you're a fan of video games and rating communities, come join us!

    Click on the banner to visit the community :)
    Hey guys! We did a group cosplay for Silent Hill a few months ago. I'm so happy about this photoshoot because it's one of my favorite game series ever, and to make things better, we had A COMPLETE SET OF PROTAGONISTS.

    (If you comment, please comment on the entry in my journal, not in this post - I often don't get notifications for my entries in communities ... thank you so much!).

    t8_steve as Harry | aegwynn_aran as James | Harmony/myself as Heather | tehcrayonofdoom as Henry | Mark as Travis | Liam as Alex | rayfy_chan as Murphy
    kawak as Pyramid Head | Varia as Bubblehead Nurse | athira as Bubblehead Nurse
    Photography by rayfy_chan, ryokophoenix, Brenda, Ron and Liam

    Click here to see the rest of the photos

    Hope you enjoy!
    ~ Harmony

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