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Thursday, April 14th, 2016

    Time Event
    Big Chick - Washington, GA
    I am told that hamburgers at Big Chick are good, juicy, hand-formed patties; but for me and for a majority of customers, this aromatic little roadside stand earns love for what emerges from its deep fryer, chicken in particular. White and dark parts, gizzards, livers, strips (regular or spicy), and wings all come crusted with a brightly salted skin that shatters at first bite and radiates flavor. It is supremely succulent southern fried chicken, and a bargain at under $5 for a two-piece dinner including hot-from-the fryer crinkle-cut fries and a roll.

    Fried is the watchword for almost all the side dishes, each of which is a vegetable with only enough personality to make its presence known within the star player, which is batter. Onion rings are only barely oniony; fried okra strikes a nice balance of green pod and golden crust; hush puppies are super crunchy; corn balls are spheres of creamed corn with a crisp coat.

    There is no seating on premises. All food is presented in white paper bags for taking elsewhere.

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