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Friday, June 30th, 2017

    Time Event
    MCU, DCU
    Captain America (movies), Steve/Rumlow: "if i give more than enough ground (will you claim it)" by notcaycepollard (NC-17) -- Steve bites his lip. Pulls his hand away, and looks down, and then up, and Rumlow is just looking at him, thats all, looking at him with a knowing expression. It makes him look down again, and then Rumlow is touching the back of Steves neck, the calluses of his palm hot and rough on Steves skin.
    Huh, Rumlow says, low, and thats it, Steves body folding down into it: the touch, the gun, his knees.

    Captain America (movies), Steve/Rumlow: "hold your devil by the throat" by alamorn (NC-17) -- Steve ends up in the snowy hell of who knows where and the only things around are a dead bomb and Brock Rumlow. Wanda's weird shit has never been weirder, and Steve has never been less happy to see another human being.

    Captain America (movies), Steve/Rumlow: "Fire Meets Gasoline" by smaragdbird (PG-13) -- If Nick Fury hadnt asked him for a favour, Steve wouldnt be here. He would not be on a mission with a former Hydra agent.

    Captain America (movies), Steve/Bucky: "i'm feeling like a loaded gun (and when it's done i'm the only one)" by notcaycepollard (NC-17) -- Theres something different when its Buckys hands cleaning his rifle, is all.
    What's got you blushing, Steve? Bucky asks, low and serious, and Steve flushes harder, hot to his ears.
    I'm not, he says anyway, and, leave it.

    Batman v Superman, Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent: "Pet Bat" by linndechir (NC-17) -- The Superman of Bruce's nightmares had never smiled. He was a wrathful god, punishing and devouring. Nothing his paranoia had cooked up had prepared him for this  for this smiling, gentle god who took so much pleasure in his power.

    Batman v Superman, Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent: "Another Night" by linndechir (PG) -- Fighting him, there had been no opening to exploit, no weakness or softness for Clark's fists to find. But fighting by his side had made Clark realise just how human Bruce was.

    Batman v Superman, Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent: "enough" by Starfire (kalypsobean) (R) -- Of course Batman kept some kryptonite. Of course, Superman came back. Of course, they both have issues.


    MCU, Steve/Rumlow: "Premonitions" by JoeEva (NC-17) -- When you feel the betrayal for one beat of your heart...

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