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Sunday, May 28th, 2017

    Time Event
    The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow

    "those three words over even 'I love you'" by QLaLa (NC-17) -- Missing scene from episode 2x03, "Family of Rogues." Later, he'd wonder if they all could've walked away from the heist in one piece if Barry had just called him Leonard.

    "Hands-On Stimulation" by Crimson1 (R) -- When Barry runs to the Legends for some time away from the mess he's made of the timeline, an accident robs him of the use of his legs, but a special balm and a volunteer to apply it are all it will take to help him walk again. Len, who remembers every version of the timeline Barry created thanks to his time in the Oculus, is only too happy to take one for the team, if only to have the chance to touch Barry again, like he had in one of the lost timelines Barry changed. Neither are being honest, and both want something they don't think they can say.

    "Unusual Bedfellows" by Lady Divine Coldflash (NC-17) -- Len doesn't think that the man he's let into his Buick is a professional, but he seems eager enough to please. Their arrangement's simple - first, Len gets what he wants, then this man gets something in return.

    "Like It Was Yesterday" by fluffyquill (PG-13) -- Leonard has a very particular set of skills. Skills he has acquired over a very long career. Skills that make him a very smart and dangerous man. But that's not the set of skills that Central City needs right now.

    "Got A Melancholic Temperament (that's what they said to me)" by RedHead (NC-17) -- Leonard and Lisa end up temporarily de-aged. Itll wear off, but in the meantime, Team Flash has to figure out what the heck to do with them and how to keep them safe. Inviting them to live at the West house seems like a natural, if terrible, solution.

    "Love Me" by sinplicity (R) -- A meta-human with Cupid-like powers whammies Barry to fall in love with the first person he sees. Just his luck it happened to be Captain Cold.


    "A Flash Of Trouble" by Katyakora (PG-13) -- An evening drinking with friends leads to a few awkward confessions that complicate Barry and Iris's relationship. A bit of brutal honesty may be the only cure.

    "I Don't See an Easy Way to Get out of This" by pansexual-fandom-queen (NC-17) -- Iris and Leonard go to unspeakable lengths to stay alive. Barry gets caught in the fallout, and it's a beautiful disaster.


    "to know, to err, to love (maybe)" by madness_and_smiles (R) -- There is a world where Ray Palmer doesn't know who Mick Rory is. There is a world where Mick Rory destroyed everything. And there is a world where they can avoid it all. (It's what the finale didn't show you.)

    "The Man I Could Be" by forgetregret2132 (PG-13) -- "So, um. Nate told me that the future version of you, in the future that the Legion had the Spear, you... betrayed the team and gave it to them," Ray began slowly, and Mick grunted again, not bothering with a response. "And if that's true, I want to say... I'm sorry."

    "Keep Our Demons on the Burner" by Muccamukk (PG-13) -- When Mick starts pushing them all away, Ray wonders if it's something he's done wrong or if there is a deeper cause. Or, my take on why Mick is seeing Snart.

    "Two Minutes, Thirty-Seven Seconds" by Muccamukk (PG) -- Ray asks Mick on a date. And then he does it again. And again.

    "Temptations" by AtomwaveHeadcanons (PG) -- Mick knows what his gun can do on what setting. He knows how badly something is just by the smell of it. He doesnt need to see to know just how badly Raymonds burnt.

    "blot out the sun" by CallicoKitten (R) -- eobard takes ray with him when he escapes the waverider, mick isn't pleased


    "Everybody Wants to Rule the World (except Len and Mick)" by nirejseki (R) -- After the Oculus spits Leonard Snart out, he and Mick go home and let the Legends carry forth hunting down the mysterious time-travelling saboteur by themselves. Clearly this is a mistake, because next thing they know, they're waking up in something that people are calling "Doomworld."
    Well, that just means it's up to Len and Mick to fix it -
    Except that, too, is a mistake, because now they're somehow ruling the world and, worse, the official owners of one Barry Allen, speedster.

    Barry, Mick, Leonard:

    "No Good Deed" by Crimson1 (PG) -- Its been ten years. Ten years since Snart died. It almost hurts worse that Mick has seen him, more than once since then, but hes still dead  the real version of Snart is gone forever.

    Barry, Legends, (Leonard):

    "Siberia In The Springtime" by LarielRomeniel (PG) -- Weve never been to 1892. Or Siberia. Barry Allen has some explaining to do.


    "Building Moments" by musicmillennia (R) -- Mick's still not sure if he's welcome. They make sure he knows.

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