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Saturday, January 14th, 2017

    Time Event
    The Firm, Generation Kill, Lucifer, Madam Secretary, Shadowhunters, Whitechapel
    The Firm, Mitch/Joey: "'Twas Dearly Bought" by kalypsobean (PG-13) -- In order to cement the trust of his men, Joey must get his revenge on Mitch.

    Generation Kill, Brad/Nate: "Old Bridges" by streetsuss_serenade (PG-13) -- Brad's not sure when Nate's Boston apartment became home to him, but he is damn sure that he's not going to be kicked out of it by Ray's refusal to plan more than five minutes in advance.

    Generation Kill, Brad/Nate: "Worthy of Trust and Confidence" by Alethia (NC-17) -- Generation Kill/The West Wing futurefic fusion. The Seaborn/Fick ticket sailed to victory in the 2016 presidential election. Amidst governing and getting the last of the troops out of Afghanistan, Nate's daughter starts receiving threats. Naturally, it's Brad to the rescue.

    Lucifer, Lucifer/Chloe: "Out of Body" by Sarren (R) -- Chloe and Lucifer wake up in each other's bodies. Unfortunately, not in the fun way.

    Madam Secretary, Blake/Mike B: "Thirsty" by Skara_Brae (NC-17) -- Blake has a dalliance with the Dark Prince of K Street himself...

    Madam Secretary, Elizabeth, Russell: "Walk and Chew Gum" by Monksandbones (PG-13) -- His normal white with anger was taking on a greyish tinge that Elizabeth had never seen on him before. That color on a man with a heart condition couldn't be good.

    Shadowhunters, Simon/Raphael: "saving simon lewis" by margot_tenenbaum (PG) -- Simon tried to envision himself sitting amongst all those moody, black-clad warriors and saying, 'You remember that Raphael guy? He wasn't as bad as the other vampires trying to kill me for sport and blackmail. He only poked me with a knife a little bit.'

    Whitechapel, Chandler/Kent: "A Winter's Tale" by cordeliadelayne (PG) -- There's always been something between Chandler and Kent, now if only one of them had a reason to make the first move.

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