Kim Spencer

September 2020


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Sep. 10th, 2030


So give me something to believe
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NAME Kimberly 'Kim' Spencer
AGE 23
BIRTHDAY December, 06
SEXUALITY Bi-Curious; She's pretty sure she's more interested in men than women but is open to the possibility that she's wrong on that one. She lacks experiences with the same sex but can acknowledge she finds women attractive. It's wanting to date them that she's not so sure about.
WORKPLACEWorks at Disneyworld (Disney's Hollywood Studios to be exact) as an Alternate for several of the costume characters. Yes it's hotter than hell in those things and yes, it's sweaty, gross and it stinks. Alternate means she covers when the main performer is sick, on leave or if there's a special event that requires a character to be in two places at once. She also covers their days off. It's a aprt time gig that sometimes becomes more, depending on what's happening.

HEIGHT 5'01"
BUILD Slight
HAIR Currently blue & green
EYES Dark Gray

MOTHER Barbara Spencer
FATHER Hank Spencer
BROTHER Beau Spencer
SISTER-IN-LAW Sarah Spencer
SISTER Madison Spencer-Addison
BROTHER-IN-LAW Carter Addison
NEICES & NEPHEWS Jolene & Harper Spencer-Addison (4), Travis (8) Wynonna (6) Wyatt (2) Spencer.

  • Has a store on Etsy where she sells fandom inspired bits and pieces: Jewelry, candles, bags.
  • 100% believes in extraterrestrial life. Not the whole, Aliens are kidnapping people and probing them part but she thinks we'd be arrogantly naive to believe we're the only life in the universe.
  • Almost weirdly obsessed with penguins. Some people like cat videos, she likes penguins.
  • She has a pet snake (a rosy boa) called Harold. It turns out Harold is a girl but Harold she remains.
  • Avid cosplayer. Her wardrobe is overflowing with her many creations.
  • Extremely vocal gamer. She is that person who yells at the screen when she's playing MMOs. Or... just playing with herself against the computer. She will smack talk your 10-year-old brother without a lick of shame.
  • Big fan of Horror Movies. The more B-Grade the better. Bonus points if they're slasher films.
  • Was forced to take ballet for 5 years as a child. Much to her chagrin, there's a blown-up photo of her in a pink leotard and tutu on display in her parent's home.
  • Her dating life could best be described as 'A series of unfortunate events'. She's dated, she has! But when you're somebody who only realizes somebody is interested in you when they're either painfully obvious or blunt about it? You tend to date a lot of dicks.
  • As her Etsy shop suggests, she makes her own jewelry, candles and is handy with a sewing machine, thread & needle.
  • Was the one who gleefully pointed out that her sister would become Madison Addison when she got married. Thus, the hyphenation.
  • You will never convince her that her brother and sister didn't coordinate the births of their children to be exactly 2 years apart and never at the same time.
  • Kim hosts a podcast with an admittedly, pretty small following. It's all about supernatural happenings, mainly around Florida but does extend beyond that. Most haunted locations. Ghost stories and the true stories behind them. They're mainly recorded in the comfort of her bedroom but sometimes she can con somebody into going on an adventure with her.

    Has a tattoo of the point of origin symbol for Earth's Alpha Gate on the underside of her right wrist (Stargate Reference). A tattoo of the deathly hallows symbol on the back of her neck (Harry Potter). A Gallifreyan symbol that means 'companion' on her left shoulderblade (Dr Who). She has the tattoo of a mustache inked on the inside of her left finger. Not because of a fandom, just because when she holds it up in front of her face it... is funny?

    Kim's style is something akin to walking blindly through a thrift store and putting on whatever you find. That's not to say that she has hideous taste, but more that it's different from one day to the next. One thing that can be said about it, is that she's impossible to miss. Bright colors are a staple of her wardrobe and her collection of sneakers is too numerous to count. Her hair is ever-changing, either from dye or the donning of a wig and she'll shamelessly mix in pieces of cosplay into her everyday wear. There will almost always be some representation of a fandom, somewhere on her person. She's well aware of the strange looks some of her ensembles will receive but she doesn't appear to care and rarely reacts. She at least appears to have the confidence to pull it off.

    When traveling to and from work, Kim has to wear a wig or hat to completely cover her unusual hair color. It's part of her contract with Disney and as a result of her cosplay collection of wigs? One day you might see her as a redhead, the next a blonde. If she's going to fake normal hair, she's going to have fun with it.

    When posing for the annual family photo that her mother will have printed on Christmas Cards? Kim is the embodiment of 'one of these things is not like the other'. A fact that she considers a point of pride if you must know. Her Dad is a City Councilman. Her brother a lawyer. Her sister - and she's quoting her on this because Kim would never use this term herself - a Southern Belle. Even the family dog fits into the perfect mold, winning ribbons in dog shows her mother drags him to while Kim? Is... Kim.

    Though you wouldn't call her lazy, she's easily distracted which is perhaps why she's arguably the smartest person in her family and yet working retail. She doesn't want to commit herself to one single thing the way everyone else in her family has. The world is full of so many interesting things that she'd rather know a little about a lot than be an expert in any one field.

    Kim would consider herself more of a follower than a leader and yet it's hard to deny that she has an infectious way about her that pulls people into her orbit. More than one unsuspecting friend has ended up going along to cons, traipsing through abandoned houses, or made to sit through the first two seasons of Sailor Moon. It would be more but in all fairness, she usually loses them at 'Suddenly! Incest!!'

    Confidence seems to be something that she has in spades, but that's only true when you're not looking at her love life. Her version of flirting is uncensored word vomit and should somebody try to flirt with her? She's usually the last to realize it. Much of that is a result of an overbearing mother whose special power was the long term destruction of her youngest child's self-esteem. If she had a dollar for every time she'd heard the words 'You'd be so pretty if' and 'Are you sure you want to wear that', Kim wouldn't need to work.

    It was her mother's incessant picking that best prepared her for life. She developed a thick skin, allowing, at least most of the moronic jabs to bounce off her over the years and it's usually her friends who take offense to the things that are said. Kim, however, is more non-confrontational by nature. She's learned that a smile and a thank you tend to throw assholes off-kilter. It gets boring when the 'weird girl' doesn't care what you think.

    When Kim is excited about something, it exudes from every pore. Her already animated hands swinging wildly as she talks faster than most people can comprehend. 'Stop. Breathe. Start again only slower this time', should be words on hand for anyone who knows her. Her general enthusiasm can be infectious, however. She's the kind of person that can find extreme joy in the small things in life and while it can be a little overwhelming sometimes, it's hard not to enjoy that level of positive glee.

    The kind of friend that will always say yes, no matter what's being asked of her, Kim may never have been atypically popular but she's always enjoyed a general level of acceptance. Probably because of her family, she knows this but she's also a genuinely fun person to have around. She's the one that will get people up and dancing at a party or a club... or the aisle of a shopping center. She's the kind of person who will sit at Denny's with you until 4am while you drunken sob about the guy you like making out with another girl, and will then come up with creative ways to get revenge, just to make you laugh.

    Underground Ben Folds Five
    I was never cool in school. I'm sure you don't remember me. And now it's been ten years I'm still wondering who to be. And I love to mix in circles, Cliques and social coteries, That's me.
    Pumped Up Kicks Foster The People
    Daddy works a long day. He be coming home late, and he's coming home late
    Believe The Bravery
    So give me something to believe. Cause I am living just to breathe.
    Kids MGMT
    Control yourself. Take only what you need from it. A family of trees wanting to be haunted.
    Sweater Weather The Neighborhood
    Head in the clouds but my gravity's centered
    Float On Modest Mouse
    Bad news comes, don't you worry even when it lands. Good news will work it way to all them plans.
    When we were Young The Killers
    Can we climb this mountain I don't know. Higher now than ever before.
    The Way we get by Spoon
    We go out in stormy weather. We rarely practice discern. We make love to some weird sin. We seek out the taciturn.
    Kim will be the first to point out that there really isn't anything remarkable about her life. She's the point-five in their nuclear family's 2.5 children. A 'happy accident' which Kim believes is code for, one too many glasses of wine after a work function makes Mommy and Daddy dearest, less careful. Her childhood was everything that most could hope for. She took dance lessons, piano lessons, grooming and deportment but frankly once her mother tried to put her into child beauty pageants? Enough was enough. By age five, Barbara Spencer realized that her youngest was a 'Spencer' in name, only.

    Once her parents realized this, life for Kim became a whole lot easier. Not that it was without her mother's criticisms and her father's absentee parenting style but with her mother focusing on her elder siblings' promise of success? Kim was more or less left to her own devices. It might have made for a lonely childhood, but Kim was not without a wild imagination and the ability to turn anything into a game. Her brother and sister were boring. Her mother drove her up the wall and even the family dog was utterly disinterested in her escapades. Give her a cardboard box and a sheet, however, and the world was Kim's oyster.

    She always did reasonably well in school but was never at the top of her class. A fact that frustrated both her parents and teachers. It wasn't for lack of natural intelligence, they all knew that. It was because she found it boring. Instead of following along with the lesson she'd study other topics that interested her, or simply put her head down and daydream through the class. There was a time when she'd spend most of it talking to people around her but very quickly her teachers learned to separate her from any willing listeners.

    By the time she reached High School, her parents had stopped thinking they could change their daughter, and with their defeat came more freedom for Kim. As the years went on she discovered the world of cosplay, conventions, and Renn Faires. She got involved with the Drama Club, mostly behind the scenes, and instead of spending her time doing homework or being the model child her siblings were; Kim happily marched to the beat of her own drum, thinking nothing of a future in college like so many of her fellow students were.

    We do have time like pennies in a jar. What are we saving for?
    That was all well and good until the time came to apply. Despite her parent's wishes, she had no interest in an Ivy League education and frankly, didn't have the 'resume'. She had little interest in College at all but for the sake of peace, Kim finally decided to go local. Happy to be out from her parent's roof by staying on campus but so close she could still go home to get her washing done.

    College was... an experience. There she found she was less of the oddball and thrived in an environment where she could pick and choose to learn whatever she wanted. Which she did. Over and over, changing her major about as often as most Frat Boys changed their stupid hats. So often in fact that just over two years ago now, her father finally drew a line in the sand. It was time for her to get out in the world and work to support herself. To figure out what she wanted to do without draining their retirement fund.

    For Kim, this was in many ways a relief. College was fun and all, it gave her a chance to learn different things but she only went to keep her parents happy. If her leaving was their idea then she could set about having the life she wanted. Sure, she wasn't entirely sure what that would look like yet but she's been figuring it out as she goes. She's got her own apartment, a job - two, if you count the Etsy shop. Three if you include her Podcast. On paper (or to her parents) her life might be chaotic and yet for Kim? It's probably the happiest she's ever been.

    Skill Info
    DASH // 30+ // GMT+8 // JODELLE FERLAND // Dropbox // CODE

    Sep. 19th, 2020


    And I love to mix in circles, Cliques and social coteries, That's me.
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    Sep. 16th, 2020


    Hand me my nose ring (can we be happy?) Show me the mosh pit
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    Sep. 25th, 2019

    The Network

    Kim Spencer / 25 / F / Seven Devils, NC
    Gamer. Podcaster. Cosplayer. Fan of too many things to list.