GERTRUDE's Journal
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Tuesday, April 15th, 2008

    Time Event
    Blaaarrrrgh! Finally movin' - plus teaser panel!
    Arse arse ARSE has it ever been a frustrating start to the year.  Slammed with work - both paid and not, all of which has forced poor Grit onto the back-burner.  I've been watching the calender in despair.

    But finally...FINALLY...everything that isn't paying bills is DONE and out of my face, and out of the way of poor languishing episode 19.  This week has been BLISS as I've finally been able to get cranking on it again.  So, after a long looooooong radio-silence from me (seriously, there was nothing to update beyond cries of despair), I give you a teaser panel from the pencils thus far -

    Did I mention this ep is a 64 page behemoth?  It is.  But plough through it I will!  Watch me.

    I'll be back after I've done a bunch more pages, with another teaser and (if I'm feelin' good about it) which page I'm up to in march towards 'done'.

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