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Monday, April 11th, 2016

    Time Event
    Stephen Kelly: How do you use Grantlee?

    Grantlee has been out in the wild for quite some years now. Development stagnated for a while as I was concentrating on other things, but Im updating it now to prepare for a new release.

    Im giving a talk about it in just over a week (the first since 2009), and Im wondering how people are using it these days. The last time I really investigated this was 6 years ago.

    Im really interested in knowing about other users of Grantlee and other use-cases where it fits. Here are some of the places Im already aware of Grantlee in use:

    Many areas of KDE PIM use Grantlee for rendering content such as addressbook entries and rss feeds along with some gui editors for creating a new look. The qgitx tool also uses it for rendering commits in the view with a simple template.


    It is also used in the Cutelyst web framework for generating html, templated emails and any other use-cases users of that framework have.

    There is also rather advanced Grantlee integration available in KDevelop for new class generation, using the same principles I blogged about some years ago.

    It is also used by the subsurface application for creating dive summaries and reports. Skrooge also uses it for report generation.

    It is used in Oyranos buildsystem, seemingly to generate some of the code compiled into the application.

    Also on the subject of generating things, it seems to be used in TexturePacker, a tool for game developers to create efficient assets for their games. Grantlee enables one of the core selling points of that software, enabling it to work with any game engine.

    Others have contacted me about using Grantlee to generate documentation, or to generate unit tests to feed to another DSL. Thats not too far from how kitemmodels uses it to generate test cases for proxy model crashes.

    Do you know of any other users or use-cases for Grantlee? Let us know in the comments!

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