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Saturday, April 9th, 2016

    Time Event
    Serge Hallyn: Docker in LXD

    Since the very early days of upstream Linux containers  around 2006  weve been distinguishing between application and system containers. (The definition of application containers has changed a bit, and their use case has changed a *lot*, but the general gist remains the same).

    A few years ago I would get regular  daily!  queries by lots of people asking what I thought of Docker. Some asked because, as one of the early people involved in kernel container functionality, Id be interested. Others did so because I had been working with, a particular container administration suite, and thought Id feel competitive. However, as weve said for a long time, Docker is a great tool for application containers and application container purposes. From a LXC/LXD perspective, were looking at different use cases. One of those is hosting containers in which to run Docker:)

    And, in Ubuntu 16.04, you can easily do so. (The Docker patches to enable this are on their way upstream.) To run Docker inside a container, the container must have a few properties. These are conferred by the docker profile. The docker profile does not include a network interface, so youll want to create a container with both the default and docker profiles:

    lxc launch ubuntu-daily:xenial docker1 -p default -p docker

    Now, enter the container and install the package:

    lxc exec docker1  apt update
    lxc exec docker1  apt install
    lxc exec docker1  docker pull ubuntu
    lxc exec docker1  docker run -it ubuntu bash

    et voila, a docker container is running inside your lxd container. By itself this may seem like a novelty. However, when you start deploying the lxd hosts with openstack nova-lxd plugin or juju-lxd, the possibilities are endless.

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