Talk in the Shadows' Journal
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Tuesday, December 10th, 2013

    Time Event
    Just a little Flewelling Clan Update
    It's been awhile since I posted family stuff. On Thanksgiving Doug was with his mom in Maine, so Matt, Tim, and Tim's almost fiancee Ari and I drove out to Joshua Tree Nat'l Park for a picnic and hike. Here are my 'kids' and our 'it looked better in person' feast, featuring a fold out paper turkey centerpiece and matching paper plates. From left to right: Ari Haro, Tim Flewelling, Matt Flewelling.

    How Emma Stays Golden Brown
    She toasts herself like a marshmallow. She's so happy it's fireplace season again!


    In other doggie news Zoe has been granted a reprieve. She must have sensed our displeasure, because she's been much nicer to Emma. Jack is a worried and paranoid as ever, but also a big friendly goof to those he loves, including our frequent guests. He is not a willing photography subject. Every time I try to snap a picture he comes over and sits on my feet.

    Image 2

    Zoe would not stay still long enough.

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