Awkward Paws' Journal
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Saturday, November 28th, 2015

    Time Event
    plays, stuff
    This year I signed up to nanowrimo for a piece of original fiction. (I've done it before but it was with fanfic.) Finished my 50k today, it's utter shite, as one can well imagine of something that has effectively no plot and a lot of run-on internal monologue (mostly therapeutic rants about my mother), but hey, it's something. Mostly it focussed my mind on what I actually want to write for original fiction, and I think I actually want to start writing YA fiction with two gay boys in a castle in some made-up Historical Tiems. So basically Merlin.

    Two upcoming plays I'm excited about:

    Andrew Scott! David Dawson! (Brothers not lovers, alas. Unless this play goes somewhere unexpectedly awesome.)
     photo TheDazzle_800x1100px_newfinal_AW2_zpsvtkt01gt.jpg

    Dirty hot Richard Madden and Lady Rose Lily James in Romeo and Juliet. (With Derek Jacobi as a 70-old Mercutio because that is unaccountably awesome horrific awesome.)
     photo bw-romeo-juliet-xlarge_transuZb20AvJPHgnHBirjU6kVCni0PWqG40TY1ayKjh6gYM_zpsmfjhpyha.jpg

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