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Tuesday, December 23rd, 2014

    Time Event
    2014 vidding meme
    Output is declining - by choice, but still - so this is probably the last year I can do the meme. Unless I sekkritly made like a million festivids. ;)

    2006 meme | 2007 meme | 2008 meme | 2009 meme |
    2010 meme | 2011 meme | 2012 meme | 2013 meme

    Vids premiered in 2014

    February Festivids reveals
    Freedom at 21 - The White Queen
    Stop - Spiceworld
    You Look So Fine - Whitechapel
    Who Are You Really? - Dredd
    No Church in the Wild - The Tudors
    Young and Beautiful - The Tudors

    The River, The Woods - Football World Cup / Germany

    August Vividcon premiere
    A Single Man - A Single Man

    Wonderwall - Hikaru no Go

    My favourite video this year (of my own):
    A tie between The River, The Woods and Wonderwall. I think No Church in the Wild is an objectively better vid than both, but there's really no substitute for vidding what you love with all your heart.

    My least favourite video this year:
    None really, I guess Stop because it was the most throwaway of the bunch.

    Most successful video
    Maybe No Church in the Wild, or maybe The River, The Woods by virtue of timing. If the vid was late by a couple of weeks I think the sentiment may have fizzed out a bit. It was too much of a heightened emotional state to sustain for long.

    Video most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion:
    Wonderwall, but then I think Akira/Hikaru is underappreciated by the universe in general.

    Most fun video:
    During the anon period I rather enjoyed messing with people about who made Who Are You Really? :D

    This is probably not "fun" in the spirit of the question, but I absolutely loved being able to vid the entire stretch of reigning monarchs from Richard II to all the Tudors in the space of three festivids (Somewhere a Clock is Ticking the year before, then Freedom at 21 and No Church in the Wild).

    Video with single sexiest moment:
    The River, The Woods 1:07 as Lahm kicks off the Brazil semi-final; and Wonderwall 2:08 as the wind starts and Akira rejects Hikaru and it's such exquisite paaaiiinnn.

    Biggest vid fail:
    Didn't intend at all for PoV to shift to Henry at the end of Young and Beautiful, but once it was pointed out, it seemed definitely possible, which was annoying because if that was the apparent narrative, then it was some very shitty construction. In hindsight a rather elementary mistake to have made. It was festivid #6; I ran out clips and was tired and made do with the last clip. :-/ Just goes to show that one should never take eyes off the ball.

    Hardest video to make:
    You Look So Fine. The narrative didn't want to fall into place. (It probably never did.) isagel later wrote that this vid knew that it could have been Kent-the-serial-killer's origin story; I wish the vid was self-aware enough to know that at the time.

    Most unintentionally telling video:
    No Church in the Wild. In the sense that it was (apparently!) easy to guess as one of mine, and also in terms of content.

    For 2015: Probably not a lot of vids unless I desperately fall in love with something.

    Happy holidays all! In my grand Christmas Eve tradition it'll be nothing but champagne and Pringles tomorrow. (By the by, Mireille Guiliano - ex-CEO of Veuve Clicquot - in her book recommends pairing champagne with pizza. Who knew!)

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