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Wednesday, March 25th, 2020

    Time Event
    On Seeing Beyond Ourselves

    This one’s for the street kids
    The runaways and the throwaways
    The queer kids and the trans kids
    and the druggie kids with empty eyes
    who can’t go home even if they wanted to
    The travelling kids, the hitchhikers
    who no one will stop for
    The buskers and the panhandlers
    staring at empty streets

    homeless boy 1860

    This one’s for the homeless
    who have no place to shelter
    The street people
    The cold and hungry people
    The ones with no soap
    No running water
    No take out or delivery
    The ones with bad lungs
    and diabetes and rotten livers
    and damaged skin
    who already saw friends die

    This one’s for the buskers
    and the living statues
    and the people in costume
    asking a fiver for a selfie
    The ones who found
    a way to survive
    that worked for them
    Who used their creativity
    to find a way
    Who stare at empty streets
    with empty pockets
    Knowing no government program
    will compensate them

    This one’s for the refugees
    The ones in camps with
    bombed out homelands
    or drought or flood
    behind them
    and nothing in front
    The ones who have no soap
    and carry their water
    The ones raising
    their kids in tents
    with nothing but fabric walls
    separating them
    from their neighbors
    The ones who did
    the best they could
    and now they’ll see more death

    I see you
    I hear you

    I fear for you more
    than I fear for myself

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