NaruSasu Fanfic Recs' Journal
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Monday, August 28th, 2017

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    Sweetness will give you cavities, dear
    Title: Fireworks
    Author: FlamesEmbrace
    Genre: Romance/General
    Rating: M (though I would rate it T or PG-16 because there is no explicit sex scenes, just a few cussing, sexual innuendos and slight almost-non-existent lime)
    Summary: Ah, spring... The songs of birds, the smell of flowers, the gentle THWAK of Cupid's shruiken... For some, love hurts. On kapaa, chocolate syrup and the absurdity of True Love.
    Story status: Complete, nine chapters
    Comment: This is such a refreshing  and blissful read. The author's style is flowery and descriptive, with hints of witty sarcasm that makes readers snicker. The plot is pretty simple, but the fluidity of her style and the rawness of the characters' emotions is utterly captivating. It's a story about first loves and awkward teenagers. The plot is set after the Haku/Zabuza arc. It'll make any Naruto fan nostalgic of the good old Team Seven days. I also appreciate how in character everybody is. Go, read and if you have time drop a review. She deserves far more praise than she gets. =]

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