Mun vs Mun's Journal
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Tuesday, October 10th, 2023

    Time Event
    mun_vs_mun @ 2014-08-20T02:40:00
    The form on the profile wasn't working, so hopefully you will excuse me for just copy-pasta'ing from a different community. (With that being said, this was completely cross-posted to rp_me :x)

    The name is Samantha :] And I'm P(S/D)T, whichever one we're in right now haha.

    - Please be 18+
    - I do write smut
    - Paragraphs and decent grammar, please!
    - AIM: sacrifice truths
    - SKYPE: infinitely.finite (rarely used)
    - email: not.finite at

    Now, with that out of the way I guess I can give you the fandoms and rest of the cravings! Hahaha.

    These are the characters that I RP (as my main):
    Harry Potter: Narcissa Black/Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Rose Weasley
    Naruto: Sakura, Konan, Karin(?)
    Inuyasha: Rin
    JROCK: MEGU (sexpot revenge), -MOON-Kana (solo), Jyou (exist trace)
    Frozen: Elsa

    These are the characters that I would like to play against:
    Harry Potter: Lucius Malfoy, Rabastan Lestrange, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Draco Malfoy, Scorpius Malfoy, James Sirius, Lorcan&Lysander Scamander
    Naruto: Kakashi, Itachi, Deidara, Sasori, Yahiko, Nagato, Suigetsu
    Inuyasha: Sesshoumaru, possibly Inuyasha ... ... ... Possibly Naraku as well.
    JROCK: Kyo, Kaoru (dir en grey), mostly those old fuckers like Atsushi and Hakuei, and yeah.
    Frozen: THIS IS GONNA SOUND WEIRD, BUT HANS? >__>; (Or, for crossover goodness, SnowFrost is awesome. Which is Elsa/Jack Frost, because JaElsa or JElsa is just ugly sounding/looking to me. :B)

    A few other cravings of mine that still have yet to be satisfied are:
    Achilles/Iphigenia - from the film Iphigenia, though I'd be completely open to playing through any sort of reincarnation or remix of them!
    "Bastardizing My Childhood" - basically anything that was for children when I was a kid coming out to play... except they're adults? (Like the Magic School Bus Kids are in high-school/college and the like.)

    I am completely into making up a possible plot and the like for any of the above, and have some plots already in mind for a few :3 (I'm also forgetting a few things here and there so don't be afraid to ask anything?)

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