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Wednesday, October 18th, 2023

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    A Sliver of Memes That Exercise Restraint

    Much as we love memes here at Memebase, we know that they have their downsides. For example, some of them are annoying, or get used for people to communicate messages that we really don't want to hear. 

    Perhaps one of their simultaneously best and worst qualities is that they're an enormous time drain. It's easy to stay up until the earliest hours of the morning because we get too distracted by the whole panoply that's out there. 

    At the same time, most of us also don't want to give them up completely. That's where a list of memes such as this one can prove to be useful. It gives a measured dose of entertainment that doesn't have to go on forever. Unless, of course, you choose to scroll down to whatever is below this. At the end of the day, that decision is up to you and not anybody else.

    29-Year-Old Man Brags About 'Training' His 19-Year-Old Girlfriend Into 'The Perfect Woman For Him'

    Age gap relationships are among my favorite and least favorite pieces of internet discourse. If I'm being honest, I have been a valiant defender of some age-gap relationships on Memebase. I don't like when slight age gaps are blamed for other obvious issues in relationships, and I especially don't like it when people infantilize perfectly capable young women and act like they are too naive and stupid to date someone a couple of years older than them. 

    This, however, is not a time when I'm going to defend an age-gap relationship. A video of an age-gap couple recently went viral on Twitter, and it is an all-too-common example of an older guy taking advantage of a young woman. Although she's a legal adult, she's got "teen" in her age, and no 29-year-old should be in a relationship with a teenager. What's far worse than the 10-year age gap is that he brags about shaping her into the woman he wants her to be. Talk about a pig! 

    Weekly Treat of Cat Memes for Feline Fanatics (October 18, 2023)

    A lot of change has happened on the internet over the past couple of decades, but one of the few things that has remained the same is that cats rule the internet. No matter how you feel about them as pets, you have no choice but to respect the versatility and influence that they bring to the table in memes. 

    A cat meme from 2007 is a world away from a cat meme today, but there is at least one thing that they both share: a deep reverence for the inherent goofiness of our feline friends. This is something that us humans have appreciated for thousands of years, and it's unlikely that we're going to stop any time soon. 

    As any cat lover will tell you, these critters are endlessly entertaining in real life. This makes the fact that they translate so well to funny internet pictures merely an added blessing.

    The Cringiest Dating App Encounters This Week (October 18, 2023)

    The human race are masochists. Deep down, we realize that love is vital to the wellbeing of each and every one of us, then we make it ridiculously complicated and difficult to obtain. While there are many types of affection that we can give and receive, it can't be denied that the romantic kind is very important to a lot of people. That doesn't make achieving it any easier, though.

    In theory, this is where dating apps step in. When a real life meet cute seems like a faint possibility, there's a whole market of potential partners on the internet to peruse instead. Sadly, not all of them are capable of acting anything other than unhinged. Online dating has never had worse PR, and most of it is because of the way it makes a lot of people act. At least it allows singletons to filter out the weirdos at an early stage.

    The Best Gaming Memes of the Week (October 18, 2023)

    As a kid, I really took my free time for granted. I know it's easy to say that in hindsight, but I think about this every time I try and sit down for a gaming session. As an adult with multiple jobs, rent, bills, and a relationship, even the prospect of starting a game (let alone finishing one) feels absurd. Elden Ring, for example, isn't exactly a game you can casually dip in and out of here and there. But boy oh boy did I try. Every day after work I would fire up Elden Ring, die about one hundred times in the span of an hour, and then start making dinner and prepping for the next day. Playing Elden Ring this way felt like a Sisyphean nightmare. Much like many open world titles that come out these days, Elden Ring is a game that lends itself to being binged, and few adults have that kind of free time. Maybe some day, if I ever get to retire, I'll be the gamer I've always dreamed of being. Until then, at least there's gaming memes!

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