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Monday, September 10th, 2018

    Time Event
    Manga Review: Slam Dunk V 19 by Takehiko Inoue @shonenjump @vizmedia

    May Contain Spoilers

    Its time for the second half of the game against Ryonan! It seems that Shohoku is starting to wake up, thanks to Mistuis three pointers. Now if only the rest of the guys would show a little spirit. Hanamichi is furious with himself and with Fukuda for getting the best of him. Will he be able to set aside his raging emotions and concentrate on playing the game?

    This was a fun volume. Shohoku finally wakes up from the coma theyve been in. Rukawa starts the process, by actually starting to play to his potential. Because he ran out of steam in previous games, he wasnt giving the game his all. He actually wants to finish a game, and he knows that the final minutes is when hell be needed most. Argh  he had me fooled. I thought he was having a really, really bad day!

    Uozumi is having a pretty bad day, on the other hand. After getting foul number 4, Coach Taoka pulls him from the game. He doesnt want him to foul out with so much time left. His substitute cant go toe to toe with Akagi, giving Shohoku the opening they need to get some points on the board.

    We get a flashback to Uozumis freshman year, and, man! He did not have things easy. Being a big kid, he struggled with footwork drills and trained so hard he threw up. Every day. And Taoka berated him constantly. When he was ready to quit, Taoka revealed his dream to Uozumi. He was going to build a team around Uozumi, and they were going to Nationals in Uozumis third and final year. Bet that got him over the hump of difficult training!

    This volume is nuts. The momentum of the game swings back and forth, before finally sticking with Shohoku. Hanamichi has finally had a fire lit under his butt, and he is determined to play better and score more points than anybody else. He is an idiot sometimes. Its all well and good to compete with the other team, but maybe not such a good idea to constantly try to one up your own teammates, and give up the ball while youre doing it. Maybe one day hell learn about teamwork. Nah, not with Rukawa constantly needling him.

    There are about 8 minutes left in the game, so I wonder if the game will get wrapped up in V 20? Lets see!

    Grade: 4.25 stars

    Review copy borrowed from my local library

    About the book:

    Thanks to consecutive three-pointers by Mistui late in the first half of the game against Ryonan High, Shohoku High ends the half down by only six points. Rukawa’s still got plenty of strength left and he’s going to need it to face Ryonan’s ace, Sendoh. The pressure on Ryonan continues to draw fouls from them–can Shohoku exploit this and pull ahead? Or is Ryonan’s coach Taoka just waiting for Shohoku to trip themselves up?

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