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Friday, September 7th, 2018

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    Manga Review: A Bride’s Story V 3 & 4 by Kaoru Mori

    May Contain Spoilers

    In Volumes 3 and 4, the focus of A Brides Story shifts to Mr. Smith and the villagers he comes in to contact with on his journey to Ankara. Amir and Karluk make cameo appearances, so we dont completely lose sight of them. Amirs family has fallen on hard times because of their failure to steal her back and marry her off to another tribe, and I cant say I felt too bad for them, even if Amir did.

    World politics play a more important role as the conflict with Russia and the suspicion of Europeans in Asia cause some grief for Smith. Before meeting up with his guide, Smith gets tossed in to jail, and his pleas to contact the embassy fall on deaf ears. Hes finally released, but has another complication to confront. He and Talas, a young widow, have come to an agreement, but will her family destroy their future happiness?

    I though this was a bit of a depressing installment. Smith sees first-hand how unpleasant life can be for women in Central Asia. Subject to the will and whims of their fathers, women have little voice or control over their own fates. Despite Smiths intention to marry Talas, her spiteful new step-father has other plans for his new daughter, and theres nothing either of them can do to change his mind. What a bummer.

    Volume 4 was a different beast. Much more lighthearted and fun, Smith is rescued by two rambunctious twins, Laila and Leily. The sisters are constantly in trouble, more interested in snaring wealthy husbands than the fish they are tasked to catch. When their father, exhausted from their antics, finally makes an arrangement for each of them, the girls dont get the husbands they have been wishing for.

    Laila and Leily are overly energetic, and while everyone thought they were too young (me included!), their father finally caved. The girls have a lot of growing up to do before they can effectively take care of a household, so their stern mother gives them a crash course in housework. While they complain the whole time, proving their need to grow the heck up.

    I enjoyed this volume. It has some very funny moments, and after the twins are resigned to their husbands-to-be, they begin to find things about the boys that make them special. Its this quiet examination of the characters that I find so endearing about this series. Yeah, Laila and Leily didnt snag the rich husbands that they dreamed about, but maybe the village boys that they will be marrying are special in their own way.

    Once again, the art is stellar in both volumes. I love all of the details, from the clothing, to the food, to the animals and objects that surround the villagers daily lives. I love this series, and Im thrilled its coming out in digital starting in October. Once I power through the library books I borrowed, I will be keeping up with the series digitally

    Grade: 4.25 stars

    Review copy borrowed from my local library

    About the book:

    Volume 3

    Acclaimed creator Kaoru Mori’s tale of life on the nineteenth-century Silk Road continues, this time introducing a new would-be bride–Talas. A young widow, Talas opens her home to the researcher Mr. Smith, who has ventured to her town to continue his studies. However, when Talas’s uncle begins to see Smith as an impediment to his plans to wed his son to Talas, the old man’s schemes land the Englishman in prison! Far from friends and even farther from home, Smith’s outlook seems grim&

    Volume 4

    Acclaimed creator Kaoru Moris tale of life on the nineteenth-century Silk Road turns westward, following Englishman Mr. Smith on his long journey to Ankara. Passing through a fishing village along the Aral Sea, Smith and his guide encounter a pair of spirited young girls named Laila and Leily–identical twins who are fishing not for sturgeon, but for husbands! Despite their efforts to find two wealthy, healthy, and handsome brothers to wed, Laila and Leilys plans generally only land them in loads of trouble!d

    Reviews by Poo Penny: Magic Triumphs by Ilona Andrews

    Review by Poo Penny

    May Contain Spoilers

    Kate went out with a bang! I am kind of sad we aren’t going to get to read about how this new world is going to be. At least we have some Hugh books to look forward to. I am hoping that maybe Conlan will make a debut in them because I feel like his story was not wrapped up for me. 

    So the meat of this book, Kate has to find a way to keep her dad at bay, and some new big bad evil showed up. And obviously only Kate can bring together all the people needed to bring him down. I have so many questions, like how Yu can exist in the world. Or how could Curran start to become a god, but then he can use all the power up in one go.

    Hugh was an absolute delight, however I wish I had known to read his book before this one. Ayyyyy. Well its not like it really ruined anything for me, I really wanted Hugh to redeem himself, and he definitely did. Twice for me!

    So yes, Kate brings everyone together, all her allies, and TRIUMPHS! See what I did there. I give the book 4.5 out of 5. I was just a little disappointed at how convenient it was to deal with her dad and the big bad in this book at the same time.

    Review copy provided by publisher

    About the book:

    Mercenary Kate Daniels must risk all to protect everything she holds dear in this epic, can’t-miss entry in the thrilling #1 New York Times bestselling urban fantasy series.
    Kate has come a long way from her origins as a loner taking care of paranormal problems in post-Shift Atlanta. She’s made friends and enemies. She’s found love and started a family with Curran Lennart, the former Beast Lord. But her magic is too strong for the power players of the world to let her be.
    Kate and her father, Roland, currently have an uneasy truce, but when he starts testing her defenses again, she knows that sooner or later, a confrontation is inevitable. The Witch Oracle has begun seeing visions of blood, fire, and human bones. And when a mysterious box is delivered to Kate’s doorstep, a threat of war from the ancient enemy who nearly destroyed her family, she knows their time is up.
    Kate Daniels sees no other choice but to combine forces with the unlikeliest of allies. She knows betrayal is inevitable. She knows she may not survive the coming battle. But she has to try.
    For her child.
    For Atlanta.
    For the world.

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