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Tuesday, October 10th, 2023

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    eldivinomarques @ 2007-01-04T14:59:00
    to rest a bit from drawing, I decided to post about a few things that i want to get this new year... let's see:

    Slave Leia:

    What can I say? I'm dying to get this one! it's just... perfect!
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    Jareth action figure:

    Another one that doesn't need any explanation
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    I have a couple more that I would like to get but,I won't bore you with more pics... for now. hehe
    Hello flist :)
    After have survived a couple of pc crushes (an a terrible loss of art and stuff *sighs*) and a recently wounded hand I'm here not to say hi to you all. I won't ask how you have been because, despite that I did not post anything for a long, loong time, I have been reading all your journals. ;)
    Well, I won't make this too long. I'm not good writer as you all are. I haven't been drawing nothing seriously for months and I want to restart practicing with drawing tablet. I know that a few of you are Labyrinth fanfics writers so, would you like to have an illustration for the fic? I was going to read and ask permission to authors to do a couple of Labyrinth drawings but, instead doing it, I thought it would be better to ask it through here. Well, anyone interested? Due I want to do good drawings it will take me more time than usual so I can't do a lot of illustrations, perhaps two or three so, if anyone is interested, just let me know it.

    Btw, they would be this style (it's a practice so it's not finished and it has not too many details but I posted it to see how the drawings could look like)

    An old very quick sketch and a 'Hi!'
    I know that I'm not a lot here lately but, honestly, I find the surf net each day less interesting and I prefer doing other things instead. If I connected and posted here it's to let you know that I'm fine and to send you a big hug to you all. Today I was cleaning old stuff from the pc and I found this quick sketch that I was going to post on Valentine's day but that I didn't because I wasn't too happy about it because it wasn't cannon at all. Well, I'm still not very happy about it but, it's a pity to erase a pic, even if it's a quick sketch.

    eldivinomarques @ 2007-01-27T18:43:00
    I was going to post a long entry but, thanks to my allergy I feel miserable and not in the mood to write more than necessary. So... I'll just let you all Lab fans know that I did I new drawing. That I'm thinking a new Snape one and that I'm posting one of my fav songs ever for those that want to try and listen new songs.


    I forgot to add that the drawing is done using a graphic tablet and Photoshop. The base is an ink drawing that I scanned and that you can see here:

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    Goldfrapp - A little death

    Hugs for you all.

    Well.. here you have it
    Today, this morning, I have done this for you all. I hope that you will enjoy it. It's based on the first movie!Snape.

    Hugs for you all, dears. :)

    Media: Graphic tablet and Photoshop
    Warnings: None

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    Oh, and this is the original drawing if someone wants to take a look at it.


    Guess who got a new 'toy'..?
    Well, Guess who got a new 'toy'..?

    Hehe, me. I got a small graphic tablet this past weekend (it was about time, right?) and I got to do my first drawing on it. I have to admit that it's great to draw with it but, at the same time, is a pain and a bit frustating when you start the drawing but, I'm happy that I finally bought one. Now, I only need to think what to draw next to go on practicing. I have one Snape idea on mind but, damn the muses that do not encourage me to do it. blah

    Name: The Goblin King
    Media: Graphic tablet and Photoshop
    Warnings: None

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    eldivinomarques @ 2007-01-06T22:23:00
    Uff, I have been out of the net 2 days and I have missed a lot of post from you all (I'll try to reply then after have posted this new entry)

    As I just said, i have been out to days... drawing. hehe I got tired to do ink all the time and, for once in a lot of years, I decided to draw with watercolors again and, here you have the result. A little drawing done with pencil, watercolors and photoshop for the details and correct colors, etc.

    Hope you like it and, hugsss for all... specially for the sweet person that send me the little gift (love it! :*) ;)

    PD: Can someone guess what part of the drawing is my favourite? ;)

    Jareth and Toby

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    As I'm letting my sore eyes rest from drawing, I decided to post some links to videos that I like:

    David Bowie - Wild is the Wind:

    A precious cover that I loved since the first moment I heard it. It's from the album "Station to Station" (I highly recommend it) plus, it make me discover another great singer, Nina Simone.

    "For my love is like the wind, and wild is the wind"

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    The Platters - Twilight Time:

    What can I say? A classic. I love oldies and this is one of my favourite songs.

    "Deep in the dark your kiss will thrill me like days of old
    Lighting the spark of love that fills me with dreams untold"

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    Nick Cave & Kylie Minogue - Where The Wild Roses Grow:

    I'm not the biggest fan of Kyle (ok, I'm not even a fan) but Nick Cave is a great artist and this song is just breathtaking.

    "And the last thing I heard was a muttered word..."

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    Things for the past
    As I was cleaning the pcs a little, i found a couple of things that I thought I could share.

    I think some of you remember this old drawing. This one the first scan I did of it as a test. If i get to find the whole version, I'll re-post it.

    Snape/Hermione (Not worksafe):

    And, What if Sarah gets back to the Labyrinth and become a Queen? hehe, the answer is below...

    eldivinomarques @ 2009-09-27T13:14:00
    Not too much to say, just adding a few scans from postcards of Fred Astaire for those that are fans like me: ^^

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    Just pics.
    Not too much to add. As usual, real life is quiet and nothing interesting happened. Just sharing a few pics that I posted in other blog of mine:

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    Things that I haven't done in for a long time...
    One thing would be post here, in my LJ and the other, well, the other would be draw. I have been so tired of drawing for so many months (I even hated it so many times)... until now.

    So, here you have, my lastest drawing and the one that made me enjoy drawing again. Ginger Rogers & Fred Astaire as Linda & Petrov from "Shall We Dance?"

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