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Friday, September 29th, 2023

    Time Event
    eldivinomarques @ 2009-09-07T11:47:00
    I know that I'm not active here, at least writting post but I wanted to create one just to thank all the wonderful people that reported and helped my to locate and art thief of my work.

    keladry_lupinmelusin_79alienor77310 dickgloucester giraluna7, lariope and Maharidhu (deviantart)and all the people that reported and helped.

    Thanks a lot, you all are wonderful ^^


    eldivinomarques @ 2009-11-05T09:44:00
    Just a quick thanks! message to all those how read my previous entry and that joined and helped to make  astaire_fans grew. Many, many thanks :)
    Fred Astaire Picspam
    This post was inspired (ok, totally copied, I admit it) by the lovely picspam that ritaskleinewelt did about another great actor, Charles Chaplin. Follow the > link <to give him the appreciation he deserves.

    Uf, it have been really difficult to select the pics for this picspam. All the pictures are gorgeous and deserved to be posted but, only one or two had to be posted for each point so, let's see which ones I ended using.

    1. Choose a picture of the funniest face on this person.

    I selected this promo pic from the movie "Follow The Fleet" (1936).

    2. Post a picture of your person eating.

    Well, the unique picture of him eating that I have.

    3. Choose a picture of your person with an animal.

    One as a kid and the other is a promo pic from the movie "Shall We Dance?" (1937) with Ginger Rogers.

    4. Choose a picture of your person with a member of the opposite sex.

    It would be so easy to post pics of him with any of the gorgeous actress he worked with that I decided just to post two pics of him with two of the most important women in his life: one with his first partner, his sister Adele and the other with his beloved wife Phyllis.

    5. Choose a picture where you would have sex with this person.

    Uhm, just one picture? Ok, let me post at least two of them. Both are from the fantastic movie "Swing Time" (1936). The first one is from one very, very short scene in the elevator and the second one is right before the best Ginger & Fred's dance: "Never Gonna Dance".

    He was far from the usual male lead and even some authors consider Astaire having nothing erotic or even sensual about him but I think the missed the point , quoting this great article:

    With “great lovers” like Valentino and Clark Gable, it is their gentleness that is hidden, and the discovery of it imbues their characters with a thrilling potential. With Astaire, the power of his masculinity is magically revealed when he begins to dance. Rickard’s argument is that Astaire’s non-dancing persona is the perfect cover for the erotic significance of much of his dancing.

    I could write a long post here but, just go and read the article because those are my same thoughts about this subject.

    6. Choose a picture of your favorite outfit on this person.

    Despite I never saw other men wearing or looking in a tuxedo as great as he did, I always like him in more plain normal clothes.

    7. Choose a picture of your person smiling.

    There are a lot of pics smiling but there is no smile as bright and charming as the one he has in the last two seconds of this short clip.

    8. Choose a picture of your person half naked.

    Pity, but here I have no pic to offer here :P

    9. Choose a picture of your person doing an outdoor activity.

    Playing golf and tennis.

    10. Choose your favorite picture of this person.

    Again very difficult to choose just one. He appears in almost all the pics smiling so, seing him serious for once is something that I find quite attractive. The other is one of him smoking. I do not smoke but I find him incredible attractive doing it.

    Never Gonna Dance
    The best dance of Rogers & Astaire partnership. Elegant, beautiful... moving. From "Swing Time" (1936). This is the 'farewell' dance of Penny and Lucky.

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