kibaxnaru's Journal
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Tuesday, October 10th, 2023

    Time Event
    [ART] Some More Recs
    A couple new art pieces I've found. :3

    Warning: Nudity (though nothing is shown), boys kissing and humping, ramen.

    We start off with three sexalicious pics by Aramitz. This artist is fast becoming one of my favorites.

    Then we have a piece by Sonteen12 of Kiba and Naruto in school uniforms. I really love the design of these outfits.

    And lastly, an older picture (though one I somehow missed on the first time through my harddrive) by Soltian. This situation . . . seems like exactly the type of thing that would happen between these two. xD;;</div>

    While you're at it, anyone who's got a y!gallery account may as well go now and join/watch the KibaNaru Club (link) if you haven't already. Lots of new stuff being submitted all the time over there. ;]
    [ART] Kiba and Naruto . . . streaking
    WARNINGS: Nekkid menz. Beefcake. Gleeful immaturity.
    COMMENTS: Hey. You know they'd do it.

    Unlike the version up on y!gallery, this one actually has a background of sorts.

    "I'm telling you, Uzumaki," Kiba said, puffing his chest out, "I can beat you at anything you can think of."

    "Oh yeah?" said Naruto, testosterone blazing, "Well, if you're so bad, then, uh . . . then strip bareass and run around the Village!"

    "Fine!" said Kiba, and ripped his jacket zipper down, exposing a vertical expanse of Inuzuka pecs and abs, "I will! Show you who's the best."

    "Oh no you won't!" said Naruto, then flushed as he watched Kiba's fully naked form come into view. Nice ass on that dog guy. "Uh--I mean--I'm gonna do it, too! I can streak way better than you can!"

    "Yeah? We'll just see about that," said Kiba. He refrained from further trash-talking though as he watched Naruto shuck off his jacket and wiggle out of his boxers. He found himself licking his lips, oddly enough. That guy really was tan all over.

    They both assumed starting positions, hitting the ground with their hands and sticking their butts out.

    "Man . . ." Kiba said, grinning, "We're really gonna do this? Heh, everybody's gonna freak when they get a load of us . . ."

    "Hah! Yeah, I know! It's gonna be awesome!" Naruto said, eyes sparkling with delight. "That'll be the scoring, then. The guy who gets the most shrieks and screams, wins!"

    "Alright by me," Kiba said confidently.

    They both nodded. It was a man-to-man challenge. Then--they were off!

    [SCREENCAPS] Shippuuden 62
    So, with the anime barreling into yet another filler-arc, I'm sure many of us have stopped watching. And who can blame us? Crappy characterization, see-through plots, annoying OCs, and . . . slashy KibaNaru moments? Oh, that's right! Filler episodes love KibaNaru!

    The episode starts off like any other bad filler. Filler Marty-Stu arrives in Konoha, officially joins Team 7, acts like an asshole, blah blah blah. The real fun starts when he goes into the village for the sole reason of stirring up shit. He immediately gets into a fight with Akamaru. And, as we all know, where there is an Akamaru, there is never a Kiba too far behind!

    Behold, Kiba in all his . . . crappily drawn glory? Worst animated Kiba ever? What happened here?

    Well, anyway, Naruto tries to avoid too much bloodshed, and calm Kiba down. This works for the most part, so Filler-Stu over there has no choice but to insult another leaf-nin. This time, it's Chouji. A minute later, Chouji, Kiba, and Akamaru are all brawling with the filler kid.

    Naruto leaps into the fray! . . . And immediately goes for Kiba.

    And can you blame him? I'd be all up for feeling that arm, too. His firm shoulders, his sexy--wait, where was I?

    Oh, Kiba and Naruto are so cute when they fight.

    Somewhere in there, Kiba gets an odd look on his face. As if, dare I say it, he's noticing his future-boyfriend for the first time?

    Akamaru helping his master out. e

    Anyway, with all the yelling and punching and everything, Kiba seems awfully focused on checking Naruto out.

    Look at that! It's adorable. Kiba's grown to like how moronic Naruto acts, because it's endearing, and he can understand it. Goddamn, I love KibaNaru.

    One reason for Kiba's little smile, however, could be warranted to the fact that we don't know where Naruto's other hand has gone.

    Moments after this revelation, Kiba gets kicked in the face. Hah, hah! He probably develops short-term amnesia and forgets all about it.</div>
    No spoilers, and no warnings. Caps taken from youtube, so please forgive the poor quality!

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