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Tuesday, October 10th, 2023

    Time Event
    Fanart Pimp!


    So my lovely [Unknown LJ tag] has spoiled me with plenty of art based on my fics. Which obviously is a guaranteed hit with any writer. It is all amazing and deserves to be ogled by others beside me. Please go leave her kudos/love, each thumbnail is a link to the corresponding AO3 post.

    Look at this gorgeous, warm and intimate piece for my single Star Wars story i don't want to hear sad songs anymore (Rey/Finn/Poe)

    Then there are two lovely Good Omens drawings. This first one (wingsss!!!!) goes with my older fic Reformation (Aziraphale/Crowley)...

    ...and the second one with my newest fic Lose A Kraken, Gain An Angel (Aziraphale/Crowley) and just oh god look at how grumpy the Kraken is *cuddles it*

    Finally, keeping with the theme of wings and tentacles, observe this breathtaking original f/f art for Vlarian Oath. Look how happy they are! Look at Zadra's skiel! All kudos for visualising my vague description :D

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    Fandom Trumps Hate & Boosting Fan Labour

    Yep, yep, the pain fades fast. I have just signed up for [community profile] fandomtrumpshate again. I both upped my bid to min $15 and ticked the 10-20k box because let's face it, the fic is going to end up there anyway. This year I'll be offering are Good Omens, Guardian and Harry Potter. As usual though, I am open to discuss any other fandoms too as long as I know the canon or have a reasonable chance to familiarise myself with it.

    The sign-ups are open until 31st of Jan, and you can browse the bids from 17th of Feb. The actual bidding period is short and intense, 24th-28th of Feb. Check the community for details! I'll link to my offer once it goes up in case you are interested in bidding.


    However! I also really wanted to boost the project the community mods are doing: Boosting Fan Labour, i.e. beta reading (and equivalent to vids, art etc), expertise offered in e.g. cultural or professional knowhow, translations...

    Check the link for all the details but I thought this was a really cool and worthwhile effort! They are looking for testimonials from fan labourers and those who have benefitted from their efforts, so maybe consider doing that (shout out to my two most recent betas [personal profile] fledge and [personal profile] dreamersdare here!). In addition, they are setting up a 'Regiment of Fan Labourers' to support the FTH writers mostly, where people can donate to the charities listed in exchange for help. You can sign up for that if you don't want to/can't offer fanworks!


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    Fandom for Australia

    I know at least a couple of flisters who will be interested in this... Going to be signing up for this as well, probably with different fandoms than for [community profile] fandomtrumpshate

    Multiple fandom promo shots surrounding main banner that reads Fandom For Australia: supporting the Australian Bushfire relief
    A fandom auction helping raise donations for those affected by the Australian Bushfires.

    SIGN-UPS OPEN: 25 Jan 2020
    BIDDING STARTS: 23 Feb 2020

    Tumblr | Dreamwidth | LiveJournal | Twitter


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    Bid, bid, bid!

    Listen up! Yes, you at the back, heads up!

    Would you like me to write a tailor made fic for you? Oh you would?

    10-20k? Yeah, bet you'd like that, huh?

    Any fandom/pairing I've written before?
    Tempted by those, I see, hmmm...? Who can blame you when that includes such Big Fandoms as Good Omens, MCU, Harry Potter, Supernatural, Stargate Atlantis, Bandom, Sherlock, Grimm... Or maybe you are a bit more niche about your needs? That's okay too, I've got you covered: Hansel & Gretel: The Witch Hunters, Mission Impossible Movies, Lewis, ST: Discovery... Do you want something older like The Professionals, Firefly, Life On Mars? Can do. Or something red hot new like Guardian or The Witcher? Here for it.

    Or, any fandom where I either know the canon or can acquire said knowledge in reasonable time? You bet your ass I'm willing and able.

    Two auctions, two chances, minimum bid $15.

    Bidding open NOW.
    Bidding closes Fri 28th of Feb 20.00 EST


    Bidding open NOW.
    Bidding closes Sat 29th of Feb 23.59 GMT



    This entry was originally posted at Please comment there using OpenID.

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