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Tuesday, October 10th, 2023

    Time Event
    I'm new and thought I would introduce myself. I am zelandonii, a wife and mother. Absolutely love the Earth's Children series! It has really helped me out in bad times, very comforting. I am not an expert..I have read the complete series twice and am starting it again. I just wanted to say Hi and I found something interesting today. I hope you all enjoy. ;)
    Ayla Alarms!
    pink_aster made a post a while ago talking about Kristy Lee Cook setting off her AYLA ALARMS! Well, here's another one that sets of my Ayla alarms...

    The blonde one without the bangs, that says "My heart is damaged, damaged, damaged" over and over at the end. I'm not sure what it is about her but she totally sets off my Ayla alarms. I mean, besides the blonde hair and blue eyes (which are probably closer to Jondalar's color than Ayla's, actually) there's not too many obvious traits that scream, "AYLA!" I guess it's just the image I've formed in my head of what Ayla looks like. The first time I saw this video and saw her singing at 1:23 I just immediately thought, "Wow, that's Ayla!"

    When I see her I think of the chapter in The Mammoth Hunters after Ayla's adoption to become a Mamutoi and when she got really drunk on Talut's bouza and slept with Ranec. The part in there where it was describing how Ayla looked to Ranec. It's not a logical connection; I just saw that chick singing in the video and remembered that exact part of the book.

    So here's a fun question that might make this community a little more active. Who are some people that set off your Ayla alarms? Or maybe you've seen a man who sets off your Jondalar alarms? Or any of the other characters in the books. I've been reading these books almost non-stop for the past couple weeks and whenever I turn on the TV or something I always see a few people that remind me of characters in the books. Very vaguely, though. I won't notice it right away but I have the feeling that I know that person or that I've "seen" them before.

    earths_children @ 2008-12-30T00:21:00
    Hey everyone!

    A friend pointed me to this website: and I was playing around with it when I realized that I could make Ayla and Jondalar! So I did. ;)

    (click for hi-res)

    I'm not really pleased with the color of Ayla's hair but I think the rest turned out okay. I feel like I wasn't accurate enough with their clothing, but then again, the website doesn't give you much of a choice. XD

    Maybe I'll make some more characters soon. :)

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