Jeff's Journal
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Monday, December 29th, 2003

    Time Event
    The Weekend
    Hello everyone. I just figured I'd update.

    Not too much going on here, besides I saw a few movies this weekend. On Friday went to dinner with<nevesis and some of his friends, then went to a movie. We saw Paycheck, it was ok, decent movie, even though Ben Affleck can't act worth anything, but there was plenty of action that made it decent. Saturday I did a few things around the house such as laundry, picked up the dining room, etc, exciting stuff, got a haircut and then Alan [] asked if I wanted to see a movie that night. I said sure, since I didn't have anything planned, we saw Bad Santa, it was funny. Luckily I got in, he bought his ticket and then I went to buy mine and the machine told me it was sold out, so we were trying to find what other movie was playing at the same time [there were none], so we tried a different machine just for the heck of it, and it worked, dumb computers. Today I didn't do too much, just relaxed, did a few other things around the house, and am bored now, since nothing is on tv, I might head to bed in a few. Hope everyone is doing well.

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