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Tuesday, October 17th, 2023

    Time Event
    Irregular Webcomic! #5077
    Comic #5077

    Three things: 1. I suspect like most people, I had thought it was "Moh's scale", named after some person named Moh. But no, it's "the Mohs scale" named after the German geologist Friedrich Mohs. If you learn nothing else today, at least remember this from now on. 2. I was writing this annotation immediately after the previous one on the price of mercury. I was commenting to my friends in our Discord chat about both topics, not revealing that they had come up independently while researching Irregular Webcomic! annotations, and they were desperately trying to figure out the connection between the Mohs scale and the price of mercury. What they came up with was the name coincidence between Friedrich Mohs and Freddie Mercury. 3. I couldn't remember if in the past I preferred "elven" or "elvish" as an adjective. So I searched. And of course found that I've used both. "Elven" wins slightly, with 24 usages in 17 strips (prior to the publication of this strip), while "elvish" has 11 usages in 11 strips. Even Alvissa herself is inconsistent in which one she prefers.

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