Draco Loves Harry in 100 Words' Journal
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Thursday, October 12th, 2023

    Time Event
    Gains 555
    Title: Gains 555
    Author: enchanted_jae
    Team: Aurors
    Character(s): Harry, Hermione, omc
    Rating: PG
    Warning(s): None
    Word count: 100
    Written for: dracoharry100 Prompt No. 775 - detail(s)
    Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
    Summary: Hermione is reading between the lines.

    "I don't have any details yet, Hermione," Harry said into his mobile. "I'll let you know the baby's name as soon as I find out. I have no idea if she has any hair or what color it is. They'll be home tomorrow; I'll know more then." As he spoke, Harry created ethereal, wispy animal figures with his wand to entertain AJ.

    "You said home."

    "Yeah," Harry said slowly, not understanding what Hermione was getting at.

    "That's progress, Harry."

    "What do you mean?"

    "You mentioned Malfoy and home in the same sentence."

    Harry snorted. "He does live here, you know."

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