Draco Loves Harry in 100 Words' Journal
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Wednesday, October 4th, 2023

    Time Event
    Gains 554
    Title: Gains 554
    Author: enchanted_jae
    Team: Aurors
    Character(s): Harry
    Rating: PG
    Warning(s): None
    Word count: 100
    Written for: dracoharry100 Prompt No. 774 - source
    Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
    Summary: Parenting is a thankless job.

    Harry didn't realize he'd nodded off until the sound of AJ fussing woke him up. He yawned and righted his glasses before standing up to stretch. When he went to check on his son, Harry's nose wrinkled. He approached the cot and peered in at AJ.

    "What is the source of that stench, young man?"

    AJ was not in a mood to be jollied. He began to cry.

    "Okay, okay," sighed Harry, scooping him up and taking him to the changing table. "I'd cry, too, if I'd loaded my pants. I may cry anyway, from having to change your nappy."

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