Doctor/Rose Fix's Journal
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Tuesday, October 10th, 2023

    Time Event

    The glee on their faces! I love that they hug for all the littlest things possible. And don't even get me started with him lifting her off the ground when he hugs her.
    Journeys end in lovers meeting, etc
    Or possibly Journey's End in having to work out what the fuck to call a second version of a character who is already primarily identified by a number
    Or even Journey's End in realising you can now have three way ship wars within your one OTP

    Celebrating both Ten and Cloen, so everyone gets some love. Temporarily in Ten's case, but I'm sure he got over it eventually.

    So then... end of a season, end of an era, a new ending for Rose Tyler (and arguably the happiest possible one for her and the Doctor). What did y'all think the first time? Were you pleased or freaking the fuck out?

    (oh, and also he had some great hair. reaaaally great hair)

    Rose: He thought you were brilliant.
    Donna: Don't be stupid.
    Rose: But you are! It just took the Doctor to show you that, simply by being with him. He did the same to me. To everyone he touches.
    Donna: Were you and him...?

    Almost there guys!
    *runs into the room, breathless*
    I didn't forget I didn't forget I didn't forget *pant pant pant*

    So! Fires of Pompeii!


    now that you've all calmed down from the trailer (ha)

    "They keep on trying to split us up, but they never ever will."
    Day uh... I forgot which day this is. Anyway, Cybermen!

    The Doctor and Rose were experts in many kinds of hugs. This is an example of the all important "pre-danger hug".
    2x03: School Reunion aka the Doctor needs to stop starting sentences he can't finish.

    Doctor: I don't age. I regenerate. But humans decay. You wither and you die. Imagine watching that happen to someone who you--
    Rose: What, Doctor?
    Doctor: You can spend the rest of your life with me. But I can't spend the rest of mine with you. I have to live on. Alone. That's the curse of the Time Lords.

    Let's all fill in the blanks! What was the Doctor going to say? :P

    And so we continue with the first on-screen adventure to an actual alien planet (that looks a bit like Wales) in New Who. And also the one time Ten gets to save people with hugging... no wonder he's in a good mood!
    i think you need a doctor

    Rose... Before I go, I just wanna tell you, you were fantastic. Absolutely fantastic. And d'you know what? So was I!
    I know, I know, I'm horrible and I didn't post the kiss! I'm sure you all can help a girl out and post it in gif-form in the comments below.

    How did everyone feel about this 2-parter as a end for Nine? What kind of impact do you think it had on the Doctor and Rose's relationship? Both her time with Nine and the events of this episode in particular?
    his final stop.

    Anyway. Happy New Year.

    And you! What year is this?

    Blimey, how much have you had? 2005. January the first.

    2005. Tell you what. I bet you're going to have a really great year.

    Yeah? See ya!

    And that's it, DRF! (Well, until tomorrow anyway!) We'll be posting a discussion post for anyone who wishes to discuss after the episode tomorrow. Try not to be too nervous everyone!

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