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Tuesday, October 10th, 2023

    Time Event
    deathly_decayed @ 2009-05-22T10:25:00
    Fifield, WI Cemetery
    My mother and I visited the Fifield cemetery today. Someone told me it's on National Geographic's top 10 list of most haunted cemeteries in America, and I live less than a mile down the road from it. I'm not sure why this is considered a haunted cemetery, but I took a quick look online and found an excerpt on a website that says:

    Weird feelings and voices can be heard there at night. Strange pictures have been taken there displaying orbs, and ectoplasm mist swirling around headstones. Strange shadows and orbs can also be seen.

    My mother has seen mist around one of the gravestones, and she and her friend have both experienced "weird feelings" while there at night. I haven't experienced any of this myself and I'm usually very sensitive to this sort of thing.

    Nonetheless, it's a very old cemetery full of very interesting gravestones, including some from the 1700's. So I took a whole bunch of photos of them.

    This is a grave stone from the late 1700's.

    Assumption of Mary Cemetery.

    Brookpark, Ohio

    (I left these all as click-able thumbnails so as not to slow down anyone's friend page. If in the future any of you would like me to post full-size (896x600 for me) then please let me know. As always, I invite all constructive criticism and advice.)

    Chinese Cemetery / Manoa Valley/ Honolulu
    manoa Chinese graveyard / Honolulu, Hawaii
    Strangeness in the Stillwater cemetery...
    Well... as I am more of a photographer of abandoned locations, I do not often find myself in a graveyard.
    However, this past week was an exception in that I had severe cabin-fever and needed to get out.
    I grabbed my camera and just kinda went wherever....
    (I did not solely find myself in the Stillwater cemetery, it was just a stop I made along "the way")
    If you wish to see my entire outing, here's my entry on my personal journal:
    "Things Not Missed"
    Along with this cemetery, I also hit an abandoned viaduct and slaughterhouse...

    I digress...

    I have but a few images from my time at the cemetery.
    The retreating storm clouds created an almost otherworldly look to the day...

    I came across this tiny Mary statue in the far rear of the cemetery's property.
    The statue is no more than 12-inches from head to toe...
    From the looks of her, she has seen many years out there alone in her grassy field.

    Thanks for looking,
    Woodlands Cemetery August 16 2008


    I ran across the comm and decided to join.  I usually don't have much to contribute to those comms other then my opinion since I no longer have a camara but I just happen to have some photos I took in 2008 when I first moved to Philadelphia laying about.

    Hope everyone enjoys them...



    Hollywood Cemetery.
    Hollywood Cemetery

    Richmond, Virginia
    February 2013

    (I've finally begun using my PayPal account, so it will now be much easier for anyone who wishes to buy any of my prints. And any photo you see is for sale.
    My e-mail is

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