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Tuesday, November 7th, 2017

    Time Event
    FIC: Feat. Char: Ron Weasley. The One Who Loves You The Most, by EruditeWitch
    Title: The One Who Loves You The Most
    Gaining Access: n/a
    Author: EruditeWitch
    Word Count: 17536 words, one-shot complete
    Alternate Links to Fic: @FFN, ronbingbang
    Characters: Ron Weasley(/Hermione), Rose Weasley(/OC)
    Rating: M
    Author's Summary: Ron struggles with fatherhood and raising a daughter while Rose struggles with demons no young woman should have to face in this chronicle of Ron and Roses relationship.
    Author's Website: @FFN, eruditefics, [personal profile] eruditefics

    Why everyone should read this: This is a very moving piece about father-daughter relationships, sickness, and bullying. The author has perfectly portrayed Rose and Ron's emotions as she takes us along on their journey to find a way to make the best of the situation they are facing. It isnt an easy journey, nor a pleasant one. In fact, the anger and frustrations just will build up at times, and youll want to throttle a character or two. I honestly forgot how mean teen girls could be to each other until I read this story.

    However, dont let that deter you from reading this story. If anything, it should be the reason to read it, just to remind ourselves that bullying is never okay. There are good parts in there too, of course, Rons excitement at becoming a father, his undying love for Rose, and determination to give her the world more than makes up for the bad parts.

    Ron threw the overbearing textbook against the wall of Hermiones study with alarming force.

    A few days ago, he and Hermione sat Rose down and offered her any wig she wants, anything she chose to take the place of her own absent hair. Roses face lit up brightly, turned to Ron, and smiled and excited, hopeful smile.

    I want hair just like Daddys.

    Since then, Ron had been finding a way to grow his own hair, to make the perfect replica for his daughter to wear&to feel less out of place in the world. He was hitting dead end after dead end. Nowhere in any of Hermiones vast expanses of useless facts, or her collection of books, or even his mothers knowledge of home remedies did they find a solution for permanent and good quality hair growth. Rose would either end up having to drink a potion every day, or he would have to cast a spell on her smooth little head.

    Ron sighed and slammed his head against the thick wooden desk.

    You know, youll still be her hero, no matter what you do, Hermione said with mirth in her voice, tip toeing around the tossed book to set a steaming mug of cocoa down in front of him. Chocolate, in this case, was more appropriate than tea.

    Maybe now, but what happens when someone makes fun of her? What happens when they stare too long at her and she realizes how different she really is? Ron said, thinking of all the ways his daughter could be hurt by the world.

    Well never let her feel that way, Ron, Hermione said, her dark eyes so steeled with determination that Ron felt instantly more hopeful than he did a few moments ago. He kissed her soundly, lingering long enough to taste the whipped cream on her lips.

    He knew what he had to do.

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