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Sunday, October 15th, 2017

    Time Event
    FIC: Feat. Char: Astoria Greengrass - "Five Stories Astoria Greengrass Did Not Write"
    Title: "Five Stories Astoria Greengrass Did Not Write"
    Gaining Access: https://archiveofourown.org/works/480994
    Author: slumber
    Word Count: 1,279
    Alternate Links to Fic: https://rarepair-shorts.livejournal.com/405122.html
    Pairing: Astoria Greengrass/Zacharias Smith
    Rating: General Audiences (PG)
    Author's Summary: Zacharias Smith works in the News department of The Daily Prophet. Astoria Greengrass is in Features. Zacharias has a hard time figuring out what that means.
    Author's Website: on AO3, on Livejournal

    Why everyone should read this:
    Slumber is one of the greats in the "Harry Potter" fandom, IMHO. She never fails to deliver a solid piece you can sink your teeth into and enjoy. This one is just one more example of her incredible talent, this time using the "five times" trope.

    Few descriptions and heavy on the dialogue, but we get the gist: news reporter, Zacharcias Smith, is seriously in love with his co-worker, the beautiful brunette, pure-blood heiress, Astoria Greengrass, and he goes out of his wacky way to get her attention by blaming her for writing pieces in their newspaper that she didn't write. Astoria's dry, snarky replies to his accusations will make you smirk and smile uncontrollably. By the end, the story almost makes you wonder which of them is the Hufflepuff and which is the Slytherin, as their flirtations take on game proportions (it's like watching a game of verbal badminton and you can't look away).

    This was a jewel of a tale, filled with comedic retorts that had great timing. Definitely read/review and let the author know you appreciate it, too!


    "I don't even like Quidditch," Astoria protests. "Why would I write rubbish about it?"
    "Whoa, whoa, whoa." Zacharias does a double take. "What." His eyes bug out and he nearly chokes on his sandwich. "What do you mean, you don't like Quidditch? Who doesn't like Quidditch?"
    Astoria wrinkles her nose. "It's just not a very fair game, is it? You make such a big deal of signing chasers and beaters and keepers, but at the end of the day it's a seekers' game. It doesn't matter how many goals you score if catching the snitch is all you need to win."
    Zacharias stares at her for a long moment. "That is just messed up," he says finally. "That is messed up and completely misguided."

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