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Thursday, October 5th, 2017

    Time Event
    FIC: Feat. Pair: Katie/Marcus. Do You Take, by Skysage
    Title: Do You Take
    Author: skysage
    Word Count: 5200 words, complete
    Alternate Links to Fic: none
    Pairing: Katie Bell/ Marcus Flint
    Rating: R
    Author's Summary: Katie finds herself pregnant after a few nights with Marcus, and is forced to marry him. It's a union neither are particularly keen on... but will become the most important thing to both of them.
    Author's Website: Author's fic list
    Why everyone should read this:
    This is (at the start) angsty read about two people ending up married because she got pregnant. Que unhappiness and lots of fighting. The Katie and Marcus' characterizations are spot on (as far as they can be for lesser known characters), as well as the reaction to the situation they find themselves in. Thankfully, this is (fan)fiction and there is happiness guaranteed. A lovely read for a chilly Autumn afternoon that will leave you warm and fuzzy inside.

    The next several months passed with a slowness that was pure torture. During the day, Katie would either pick a fight with Marcus or his parents, or sit around and do nothing, not even speak. Marcus wasn't even sure which one was worse. The fire that had attracted him to her in the first place seemed only reserved for her moments of anger and nothing else. She was fast becoming distant and listless... and the prospect of that scared him far more than he cared to admit.

    He found himself trying to find things that brought a spark back to her eyes or even the slightest hint of a smile to her face. The closest he'd come had been with the broom: it was only a Nimbus 2000, but it was leagues better than anything she'd ever had. Still, almost as soon as he'd seen the twinkle in her pale blue eyes, it was gone.

    At least she wasn't doing anything to endanger the baby.

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