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Sunday, October 1st, 2017

    Time Event
    FIC: Feat. Pair: Katie/Marcus. Fallen Angel, by Anessa Ramsey
    Title: Fallen Angel
    Author: Anessa Ramsey (LindsayR on FFN)
    Word Count: 1693 words, complete
    Alternate Links to Fic: Fallen Angel
    Pairing: Katie Bell/ Marcus Flint
    Rating: M
    Author's Summary: Katie Bell has been addicted to something for a very long time and finally decides to break the habit. But it's not soon enough to save her from a broken heart.
    Author's Website: Author's fic list on FFN, Fiction Alley
    Why everyone should read this: More than 12 years ago, this fic and its two sequels was recced by angylinni. Unfortunately, the links provided back then no longer work (Chasers went out of business shortly after). I've decided to rec this again, not only to provide the updated links, but also to make sure the story isn't buried in the annals of fanfiction.

    There isn't much to add to Angylinni's rec. This first part tells a story of what happens when one pushes the other away because of the fear of getting their heart broken whilst the other hides behind a tough facade, too cowardice to speak up and break the status quo until it's too late. It's a beautiful example of what can happen when people do not communicate (honestly, that is) with each other.

    If you have time to waste and are curious to explore this pairing, this story is an easy start.

    Fair warning though, as it was written 13 years ago, the story can feel outdated here and there. Just consider it an AU. :)

    Part 2 No Denying Fate on FictionAlley || No Denying Fate on FFN
    Part 3 The Bad Boy Appeal of Slytherin Males on FictionAlley || The Bad Boy Appeal of Slytherin Males on FFN

    Of course, the woman was no longer an angel, though her friends believed her to be the picture of innocence. Once upon a time it may have been true. But she fell, long and hard, tempted from the heavens by the dark creature. Golden legs were wrapped around a lean, muscular waist, gripping the man tight as if she never wanted to let go. Their bodies moved together, striving for that moment, that one moment where pleasure and pain melded into one, tightening their bodies until they screamed out their ecstasy. And when it came they clung to each other, the only anchors they had as the world spun out of control.

    Even as their breathing evened out, no longer harsh and panting, they moved apart, as if they had not just made love like they were the only two people on Earth. She knew it couldn't continue. Not any longer. She'd been addicted to him for far too long. It was time to be strong, to fight this compulsion she had to be with him. They weren't good for each other, not really. Every time they met she got dragged a little further into the darkness that was his life, a little further away from the light and away from her friends. She sat up and moved to the edge of the bed, contemplating what to say. His fingers skimmed down her spine causing her head to spin slightly with arousal and she closed her eyes tight, forcing herself not to react.

    "Same time Friday night?" she heard him ask as he rose from the bed and began to dress.

    It took every ounce of courage for her to speak, to say the word that would put an end to this crazy addiction she had to him. "No," she whispered, praying that he heard her, so she wouldn't have to say it louder.

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